All 39 Python Keywords Explained

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In today’s video we will be learning about all the 39 keywords that exist in Python (as of 3.12). I will be covering each one very briefly, so you will probably have to do your own research if you feel like learning more about these!

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00:00 Learning Python made simple
00:05 Intro
01:12 False
01:43 None
02:34 True
03:10 and
04:07 as
05:18 assert
06:49 async
07:24 await
08:35 break
09:05 class
09:30 continue
10:58 def
11:22 del
11:58 elif
12:42 else
12:54 except
13:27 finally
13:49 for
14:10 from
14:34 global
15:31 if
16:04 import
16:28 in
17:05 is
18:18 lambda
19:51 nonlocal
21:05 not
22:18 or
23:15 pass
24:00 raise
24:18 return
25:08 try
26:14 while
27:20 with
28:31 yield
29:34 _
30:50 case
31:24 match
32:28 type
32:58 Soft keywords
33:40 Outro
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I think you're much too harsh on bob at 9:45.
bob has helped in so much of my coding. Always been there at the frontlines, takes any assignment I hand out, and successfully completes tasks, or faithfully reports errors encountered.
Justice for bob!


Some complement:

A and B -> (B if A else A)
A or B -> (A if A else B)

bool(0) -> False
bool(“”)-> False
bool([])-> False
bool(None)-> False
bool(“ “)-> True

code after else that after while, for, try except
will only be executed when the loop or the try is finish normally (not normal: break, error)


Excellent video. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


Python in 34 minutes. Incredible!! And perfectly explained as always 👍


4:07 you also use "as" with "except" to assign the exception to a variable


Thank you I really am beginning to appreciate material that is more focused on thinking, and Python. I’ve learned a lot from tutorials, but for the most part, I am only able to apply what I have copied and limited situation versus having an understanding and being able to create.


I have never heard of several of these despite taking a few Python courses... I am intrigued


I'm I the only one finding this video funny.
Very comprehensive video.
I love it.😅


Really appreciate your effort. More videos like this please!!!


Why is it that all programming teachers I know are calmest most chill and nice people yet they casually drop the darkest type of humour or life truths :D



type type = int | float
match: type = 10
case: type = 10.0

match match:
case case:
print(f"types {type} are the same because case {case} matches {match}")


You can also use the from keyword to yield from an iterator: yield from iterator


Built-in constants:
* `False`
* `None`
* `True`
Built-in functions:
* `assert`
* assert is simply a built-in function that doesn't require parenthesis; you could write your own function, `my_assert`, that does the same thing
* `type`
* unlike `assert`, you can override `type`
* `import`
* `from` - must be followed by `import`
* `as` - must be proceeded by `import` or `with`
* `class`
* `def`
* `async` - must be followed by `def`
* `del`
* Scope changes:
* `global`
* `nonlocal`
Logical operators:
* Unary:
* `not`
* Binary:
* `and`
* `in`
* `is`
* `or`
* Ternary:
* `if` and `else` - must be used together, like this:
* `(when_true) if (condition) else (when_false)`
* `lambda`
* allows you to make a 1-line function that returns the value on the line without declaring the function
* very
* `pass`
* actually does nothing
* typically used to put an empty body in a control block, function, or class
* Logic
* `if`
* `else`
* `elif`
* Loops:
* `for`
* `while`
* `continue`
* `break`
* Error handling:
* `try`
* `except` - must be proceeded by `try`
* `finally` - must be proceeded by `try` or `except`
* `raise`
* Functions:
* `return`
* `yield`
* makes the function return a generator, even if the code around `yield` is not accessible
* this items in this generator are all of the values of each `yield` statement
* if the function hits a `return` statement, the generator will stop / finish and ignore the rest of the function; further attempts to generate items from the generator will fail because it is finished and the GC might have deleted the function call stack that the generator used
* Async:
* `await`
Switch statenements:
* `case`
* `match`
* `with`
* `with A as B: C` does this:
* run `A`
* set `B =` return value of `A`
* run `B.__enter__()`
* try to run `C`
* if an exception occurs, run `B.__exit__(self, exception_type, exception_val, trace)`
Doesn't do anything and is not a constant
* `_`
* essentially not a keyword


Really nice video with the explanations about built in keywords in python. I appriciate your efford.


Thank you for all the excelente work! Great video 👌🏼


What about the other uses of else? Like for ... else, while ... else, try ... except ... else?


dude this is amazing thank you so much


At 33:33 you can't do that. Doing "case case:" will match any number (not just 10) and put it in the variable case. I think that's why your editor is underlining it.


Some useful details:
( Better to write this down before I forget something )
"and"/"or" : because of the short circuit system, these can return any object (non booleans).
"None": while these represent the absence of a value (like null in other languages), it doesn't mean that every non declared name equals None. It's more of a special value that any object can take. (btw if we use types, by default it's incorrect to assign None). Also we must be careful when writing "assert x" or "if x:" when we want to check for None, because if x is equal to False, it will act as if it is None. This depends on the __bool__ method of the object in question.
Asserts: I've read that they only work if __debug__ is True, so I'm instead using "if x: raise Exception".
"del": a non recommended keyword. Its behavior depends on the object involved. If it's a list item, del will remove it from lists.
"pass": avoid filling placeholders with pass, since you won't be able to differentiate what is supposed to do nothing (for example, an abstract method) and what has its implementation pending. I prefer to "raise NotImplementedError()"


Amazing job buddy. Thank you very much for all your hard work! You are amazing and I am defo gonna buy one of your paid tutorials.
