Why it's almost impossible to live as a nihilist: Douglas Murray & NT Wright

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Douglas Murray explains why we can’t live without meaning. NT Wright explains how the Gospel provides it.

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Nihilism doesn't (have to) entail that you have no emotional reactions, nor that you don't recognise people's desires, wants and needs. It's an admission that there is no ultimate 'point' to life, suffering and death, and that whatever meaning we derive from our existence is subjective in nature.

The criticism that one cannot live like a nihilist is nevertheless rather pointless(!), since it doesn't tell us anything about what's actually true.


A bit of nihilism is a good thing. In some ways it’s comforting. Every human could vanish from the earth and it would still go on. The earth could vanish and the universe wouldn’t bat an eye. This means there are limits to the harm humans can inflict. I think nihilism helps to give perspective, step outside of ourselves and appreciate what we have each moment. Depends on how you take it. For myself I am a humanist with a drop of nihilism thrown in.


Refreshing to hear these wonderful accents. On another note, Doug Murray look like a model. He been getting Botox? 😂


Nihilism is not an atheist belief. Nihilism is a Christian belief about atheism. Notice the difference.


Albert Camus’ treatment of Absurdism would disagree and say that it is possible to live as an Absurd Man (a glorious nihilist), yet agree that it is so difficult to do so and not give into some form of hope that there are few if any truly Absurd Men.


I don't see how a god solves the morality problem any way. If you have to obey god unconditionally, otherwise you wind up in a state of rebellion and alienation from him, then what do you do when your god orders you to disobey him?

It's analogous to the absurdity of praying, "Lord, I ask that you ignore my prayer." What is god supposed to do in that situation?


Bit disappointed by Douglas here. It doesn't necessitate a believe in God or Christianity to believe that there are bits of wisdom/truths in the bible.


Pretty disappointed by Douglas here. Nihilism as a meta-ethical position seems totally tenable. A nihilist in that sense wouldn't feel the need to claim that we ought to treat our moral inclinations less seriously.


Stop caricaturing nihilism. Nihilism isn't a way of living. Its a philosophical position.


It may well be unliveable but that says nothing about the truth of its tenets.


I have heard someone claim to be a 'nihilist', I was baffled for some months, but I eventually came to the conclusion that the meant 'after death, there is nothing'


Seems like it would take a lot of energy to disqualify every thought and action as useless and or irrelevant. The proclaimed “nihilists” that I’m familiar with simply say “F it” to everything. I don’t believe that perfect nihilism is possible. The mind simply won’t sit still long enough.


There's no such thing as nihilism.
[Rom 1:18-21 NKJV] 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown [it] to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible [attributes] are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.


Murray and Wright are heavy weights. Murray is right to point out the church not stepping into her true roll… being the bride of Christ.
Wright, is right to continue to explain that Jesus is the model of truth to love by. I say the model of truth because either Jesus is who he say he is; namely, the One who can forgive sins, or he is not. If the later is true than Jesus is a liar and therefor should be mocked and laughed out of the door.


Read Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Fr. Seraphim Rose, especially the last essay of the book, for an in depth examination of Nihilism and how it arose in the 19th and 20th Century.
