ChemREADY answers the question: What is Coagulation and Flocculation?

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Flocculation and Coagulation in water treatment are used to remove suspended solids through a process that destabilizes the suspended particles in water solutions. The difference between the two is coagulation is the coming together, or clumping of particles, and flocculation is the settling of coagulated particles.
Disclaimer: This publication and the information included in it are not intended to serve as a substitute for consultation with a water treatment professional. Specific issues, concerns and conditions always require the advice of appropriate water treatment professionals. Please contact us at our website if you have any questions or are seeking professional treatment.

Their purpose is to remove and neutralize charge density of particles with coagulation and then facilitate particle bounding through flocculation so that the larger aggregated particles easily separate from the water and settle to the bottle.

Common applications include:

Slurry Pond Management
Wastewater solids dewatering
Effluent wastewater treatment
Recycled plastics wash water treatment
Mining wastewater treatment

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