Long Range RFID Tracking

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RFID Technology was supposed to be short range technology made to track objects. But this video reveals how RFID can be used to track people and how the range can be increased to outrageous levels.

When added to all other new technologies for tracking each of us, this will lock us in forever to having no escape. The machine will always find us.

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I worked in a SAIC facility for about a month as a contractor back in the 1990's we were given visitor ID badges and told to keep them on our person at all times. I clipped mine to my jacket and went about my busness installing air walls in a large meeting room. At one point I took off my jacket and hung it on a chair about 10 minutes later a guard came in calling my name and asking where my badge was I pointed at the chair across the room. I was told to put the badge on or in my pocket this would be my only warning. I was later told any unbadged IR signature in the building set off an alarm in the security office. I'm pretty sure it was an RFID I saw a delaminated badge once and there was a foil strip inside.


Someone commented on RFID in your shoes. Many may remember Will Smith in, "Enemy of the State, " having RFID chips put in his shoes, as well as his pen, watch, clothing... That was when I began to pay attention to RFID.


Which reminds me of working on board cruise ships as a photographer. We used to apply sticky RFID tags on the 8x10" photos, so people won't steal them, for there were sensors at the entrances/exits of the photo gallery. Some photographers were pulling the leg of their co-workers by sticking such tags on theid backs and it would beep when they would approach the sensors at the exits/entrances. Upon purchasing the photos, we had to deactivate those tags by placing the photos on a deactivating mat.
Now I realize the full potential of such technology, used in the wrong.


Rob, I can't tell you enough how glad I am to have found your channel. In the few months I've been watching, using your advice, I've taken myself from being an information commodity that's sold back and forth across the internet to someone who gets to choose what's out there and how it's used. Serious thank you for all your guides and recommendations.


This is the best tech channel on YouTube. You tell it how it is and not what the tech manufacturers want you to believe.


Thanks brother. You are very knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing it. People need to know.


I worked on beacon RFID and passive RFID used in Real Time Location Tracking (RTLS) of medical equipment and personnel moving throughout large medical buildings. Active RFID Pings out but passive just listens and collects all the MAC addresses then depends on CISCO heat mapping of the WiFi networks to triangulate location down to 6-15 ft. I don't like what I'm seeing on the collection side with public implementations that Big Tech is doing as their is no opt out. To track a wheelchair, I would slap an active RFID on it but it I want to track a doctor or nurse, I just need the MAC of their mobile device.


As always thorough, concise and precise!!


as you most likely unaware as you speak about ID cards: at least german, and I think many other EU ones also, IDs have built in RFID since they were first designed over 10 years ago, same goes for our debit cards, and all of our eu driver licenses do have them as our IDs ...
so, what you imagine tomorrow is reality in the eu since yesterday


Fellow yachtsman, thanks for the excellent info. Subscribed and make it my task to watch all your videos.


Benetton retail outlets did this for a while, maybe they still do. The Clothing/suitcases/shoes would have RFID embedded without the customer necessarily knowing about it.


Thank you for your info on rfid.
It’s like a college level course. I know more about it now than any time before now. And I understand what you said. I’m going to share it as well as I can.


Wow that VERY informative and eye opening! Everyone should know about this! Thank you so much


I remember when rfid went mainstream in cars, that was about than 25 years ago. I was a Cadillac tech when that happened. It was a lot more reliable than the resistor keys (passkey1). It worked so well that the manufacturers eventually put them inside the wheels to monitor tire pressure.

Of course, that also evolved into the key that just needs to be in the car when you push the start button.


I found an RFID tag in my washing machine as it came off an H&M clothing item. It was bizzare cos it had a play and stop symbol.


A problem with your long-range RFID scenario is that while yes you can build a powerful transmitter to activate the RFID tag, the transmit power of the tag itself is very limited. The tag has a transmitter, and that is limited by its size. Yes, you could activate the tag from a large distance, but the tag's output would be attenuated by distance, the building you are in, buildings around you, terrain, etc. It may work from the street, but doubtful miles away.


Very interesting video, though a bit misleading. The common consumer rfid is lf 123.5khz; nfc/hf rfid 13.5Mhz; and 900Mhz is uhf rfid and is limited to commercial use as the readers are significantly more expensive. Industrial/high value inventory tracking and high security people tracking are the primary uses of the uhf rfid. The injectable rfid are lf 123.5khz and hf 13.5Mhz


Funny how google advertises in and all around your videos. Thanks for your help.


Thanks for the video. It's quite informative and scary as well!


One of the problems with your concern with ultra long range RFID with military grade antennas is the receiving side of things. It's easy to send out a very high power signal to the RFID antenna over a really long distance, but the RFID antenna can only send back a limited power response, and usually in all directions, meaning the inverse square law comes in to play. Thus, even if you've got a very sensitive receive antenna, you get drowned out by noise very quickly.
Maybe you'd get some specialist antenna array on a RFID tag to do beam forming, but that gets bulky very quickly.

I'm far more concerned about the ability of an actor to have many readers on drones and strategic points in traffic.
