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Μέρος Β΄
Ὁ Γέροντάς μας, ὁ Ἀρχιμανδρίτης Διονύσιος (Καλαμπόκας), ἀῤῥώστησε μέ Κορωναϊό καί μπῆκε στήν ἐντατική τοῦ Νοσοκομείου Ἰωαννίνων στίς 26 Ἀπριλίου 2021. Οἱ Ἕλληνες Ἰατροί Τόν ἐπανέφεραν στήν ζωή ἀπό τρεῖς θανάτους (ἡ αίτία τοῦ πρώτου ὁ πνευμοθώρακας καί τῶν ἄλλων δύο σηπτικά σόκ), ὅμως ἠ τελική τους ἀπόφαση ἦταν νά μεταφερθεῖ ὁ Γέροντας ἐπειγόντως στήν εἰδική κλινική τοῦ Βερολίνου, ἀλλιώς δέν έγγυόνταν, ὅτι θά ζοῦσε. Ἔγινε ἠ μεταφορά τοῦ Γέροντα στήν Κλινική τοῦ Βερολίνου, ὅπου πέρασε στήν ἐντατική ἄλλους τέσσερες μῆνες, συμπληρώνοντας δηλαδή τούς ἕξι μῆνες, πού ἦταν διασωληνωμένος.
Εἶχε χάσει σχεδόν ἐξολοκλήρου τήν ὅρασή Του (ἡ προσβολή τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν προέκυψε ἀπό τήν θρόμβωση, λόγῳ Κορωναϊού, καί ἰσοδυναμοῦσε μέ ἐγκεφαλικό ἤ ἔμφραγμα) καί βρισκόταν σέ γενική παραλυσία (λόγῳ πάθησης τῶν νεύρων καί τῶν μυῶν). Μέχρι σήμερα ἀγωνίζεται ὁ Σεβαστός μας Γέροντας γιά τήν ἀποθεραπεία Του. Θά χρειασθοῦν μῆνες ἀκόμη γιά τήν πλήρη ἀποκατάσταση τῆς ὑγείας Του.
Our Elder, Archimandrite Dionysios (Kalambokas), fell ill due to Covid 19 and was taken to the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital in Ioannina, Greece on April 26, 2021. The Greek Doctors brought Him back to life from three deaths (the cause of the first was due to pneumothorax, and the cause of the other two were due to septic shock), however their final decision was that our Elder ought to be urgently transferred to a special clinic in Berlin, otherwise they could not guarantee that He would live. Our Elder was transferred to the clinic in Berlin, where He was in the Internsive Care Unit for four months, six months in all, where He was intubated.
He had nearly lost his eyesight completely (the infection of the eyes was caused by a thrombosis, due to Covid, and was the equivalent of a stroke or heart attack), and He was in a state of general paralysis (by virtue of the condition of His nerves and muscles). Up until the present day, our Reverend Elder is striving for His recovery. Several months are still needed for the full recovery of His health.
Ὁ Γέροντάς μας, ὁ Ἀρχιμανδρίτης Διονύσιος (Καλαμπόκας), ἀῤῥώστησε μέ Κορωναϊό καί μπῆκε στήν ἐντατική τοῦ Νοσοκομείου Ἰωαννίνων στίς 26 Ἀπριλίου 2021. Οἱ Ἕλληνες Ἰατροί Τόν ἐπανέφεραν στήν ζωή ἀπό τρεῖς θανάτους (ἡ αίτία τοῦ πρώτου ὁ πνευμοθώρακας καί τῶν ἄλλων δύο σηπτικά σόκ), ὅμως ἠ τελική τους ἀπόφαση ἦταν νά μεταφερθεῖ ὁ Γέροντας ἐπειγόντως στήν εἰδική κλινική τοῦ Βερολίνου, ἀλλιώς δέν έγγυόνταν, ὅτι θά ζοῦσε. Ἔγινε ἠ μεταφορά τοῦ Γέροντα στήν Κλινική τοῦ Βερολίνου, ὅπου πέρασε στήν ἐντατική ἄλλους τέσσερες μῆνες, συμπληρώνοντας δηλαδή τούς ἕξι μῆνες, πού ἦταν διασωληνωμένος.
Εἶχε χάσει σχεδόν ἐξολοκλήρου τήν ὅρασή Του (ἡ προσβολή τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν προέκυψε ἀπό τήν θρόμβωση, λόγῳ Κορωναϊού, καί ἰσοδυναμοῦσε μέ ἐγκεφαλικό ἤ ἔμφραγμα) καί βρισκόταν σέ γενική παραλυσία (λόγῳ πάθησης τῶν νεύρων καί τῶν μυῶν). Μέχρι σήμερα ἀγωνίζεται ὁ Σεβαστός μας Γέροντας γιά τήν ἀποθεραπεία Του. Θά χρειασθοῦν μῆνες ἀκόμη γιά τήν πλήρη ἀποκατάσταση τῆς ὑγείας Του.
Our Elder, Archimandrite Dionysios (Kalambokas), fell ill due to Covid 19 and was taken to the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital in Ioannina, Greece on April 26, 2021. The Greek Doctors brought Him back to life from three deaths (the cause of the first was due to pneumothorax, and the cause of the other two were due to septic shock), however their final decision was that our Elder ought to be urgently transferred to a special clinic in Berlin, otherwise they could not guarantee that He would live. Our Elder was transferred to the clinic in Berlin, where He was in the Internsive Care Unit for four months, six months in all, where He was intubated.
He had nearly lost his eyesight completely (the infection of the eyes was caused by a thrombosis, due to Covid, and was the equivalent of a stroke or heart attack), and He was in a state of general paralysis (by virtue of the condition of His nerves and muscles). Up until the present day, our Reverend Elder is striving for His recovery. Several months are still needed for the full recovery of His health.