Digital Literacy Series: O365 - Supercharging your Office Stack with LOD365

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About this video
On 11 November 2020, we continued with Part 3 of our three-parter on the Office 365 suite in collaboration with our friends at LOD and as part of our Digital Literacy Series (DLS).

This session with Amanda Fajerman, Head of Legal Technology and Jemima Harris, Head of Legal Operations & Tech, LOD focussed on LOD365, a legal tech solution built on Microsoft that unlocks the power of the Microsoft suite to provide a seamless, integrated and automated solution for managing matters, knowledge, documents and contracts.

If you would like to view the whole series, you’ll find Parts one and two here:

• Part one on making the most of the productivity tools in your Office 365 suite, demonstrating tips and tricks for maximizing Outlook and Word to immediately improve both individual user and team productivity.
• Part two on tips and tricks for using tools like Teams and SharePoint more effectively to save you and your team hours of time each week.

About the Centre for Legal Innovation
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