THE TRUTH (Beware of False Teachers!!)

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John MacArthur explains false prophesy and how easy it is to be fooled by them and how we are able to know they are false.
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When we were born again (John 3) and had been baptised in water (Acts 2:38-39) we received the infilling (or baptism) of the Holy Spirit as did the disciples in the upper room. The biblical result of this infilling was that we began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave us utterance ! (Acts 2:1-4). Jesus has never changed His promise ! (Please read Heb. 13:8). Thank you Lord.


I need to apologise to Bro. John. In the past I listened to him and got him wrong. Sorry John


I got baited into this video, so the truth is necessary. I have ZERO RESPECT, for Christianity that deliberately defies and denies the sanctified, holy commandments of God.
This is a den of sincere, yet sincerely deceived Sunday keepers. They care not for the commandments of God, nor the truth. It must be said, because it be.


The devil is stronger than you. Get back to the one true church The Roman Catholic faith. The one founded by Christ Himself. Stay away from these snake oil preachers. Wake up
