The Maid Part 2

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I love love love the comments on the last one and thank you so much. I still haven't finished this one shot but i am working on it.

Part 2
3 weeks later
Demi POV
I walked into the house and saw Joe and Taylor making out in the living room, yeah I found out the guy's name was Joe. He was a really sweet guy and Taylor was a bitch as usual her parents were always kind to me and the other maids, but not Taylor she always treated us like crap, like we were little specs of dirt.
Taylor: DEMI!
Demi: Yes Taylor.
I asked her as she was straddling Joe, and Joe tried to push her off but she just stayed put. I could tell he was embarrassed.
Taylor: Honey, she's just a maid no need to be embarrassed. Demi, I need you to...
Ms. Swift: Good you're here. I need your help.
Taylor: Mom can't your thing wait Demi needs to clean my room and make my bed.
Ms. Swift: Things you can easily do yourself. Do you know how to sew Demi?
Demi: I do.
Ms. Swift: Would you mind altering my dress for me.
Demi: Sure.
I heard Taylor groan. I walked upstairs with Ms. Swift and she stood on the pedestal as I pinned her dress.
Ms. Swift: I am sorry about my daughter Demi, I know she doesn't treat you right.
Demi: But she's right I am just a maid.
Ms. Swift: You're not just a maid, you are a human as well.
Demi: Thank you.
I continued to pin her dress and then sewed it up.

I walked into the kitchen at midnight and I went to get a glass of water and I opened the fridge hoping to find something to eat. When I heard some weird noises, not like scary creepy noises but just weird like someone washing something. I follow the noises to outside and saw Demi sitting by the pool scrubbing Taylor's heels. I let out a sigh, I hated how she treated the maids especially Demi. I hadn't talked to Demi much except small talk here and there. I always saw this sadness in her eyes and I had no idea why. I walked near her and sat on a chair near her.
Joe: Hi.
Demi jumped a little and dropped the heel, I chuckled slightly as she continued to rub the shoe with the rag.
Joe: Sorry that I scared you.
She nodded and then put the shoe down and picked up another one.
Joe: Are you not going to talk?
Demi: What do you want me to say?
Joe: I don't know anything. Why don't you tell me why you are always so sad.
Demi: I am not sad.
Joe: I see it in your eyes that your sad, why?
Demi: It's my mom.
Joe: What about her?
Demi: She has cancer.
Joe: Oh. I am sorry.
Demi: That's why I work here to pay for her treatment. It's curable the cancer, but it's so much money and my mom hates that we wasted all the money on her.
Joe: What do you mean?
Demi: Me and my mom don't have much now, but we were decent before the cancer and she had this huge fund for me to go to college but when we found out about the cancer we had to use it all.
Joe: Then you got to never go to college.
Demi: No.
I sighed and then I grabbed a rag and helped her out.
Demi: you don't have to do that.
Joe: I don't mind. Besides you will be here all night if you have to do all the shoes by yourself Taylor has a million pairs.
She giggled and nodded and she continued to talk, she wanted so much in life unlike Taylor she was 22 and still had not even decided on a major.

Taylor went shopping and out with some friends for the day and her parents went to some lunch. It was me and Demi in the house. I was flipping through the channels when I see Demi walk down the stairs with laundry basket but she almost lost her balance and I ran to her and grabbed her by the waist.
Joe: You ok there?
Demi: Yeah thanks.
Joe: No problem.
I took the laundry basket from her and went down to the laundry room. I felt this crazy attraction to Demi and I liked having these feelings, even though I have a girlfriend. They were such opposites. Demi's hair was usually always messy just cause she was always working. Taylor needed every piece of hair perfectly in place. Demi didn't wear any make up whatsoever while Taylor put on tons of makeup I sometimes hated kissing her cause of the lipstick. I watched Demi place the laundry into the washer and a piece of hair fell into her face. I walked over to her and removed the piece of hair from her face and pushed it behind her ear. Then I was clearly able to see her brown, her chocolate brown eyes. They stared into mine and next thing I know my lips are against Demi's, and we were sharing a very sweet kiss. Unlike Taylor's that were rough and hard and lead to sex or some intense make out session, this was anything but. Then Demi pushed away and I saw she was upset.
Demi: That shouldn't have happened.
Joe: But Demi..
Demi: NO! please go I have a lot of work to do.
Joe: D..
Demi: Please.
I sighed and I walked out of the laundry room and laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Please Comment.
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Aw Joe is cute to her and he likes her already! Amazing!!


Loved itt<33. & Joe you are so nice and kind..Demi please don't push him away, ..Can't wait for the next one :D


Joe likes..Maybe even Love(just doesnt know yet) Demi


I love your story, I just start reading it this mornig. Sorry I didn't comment on the first part


aahhh! freaking out!! I need moree! Gosh!


oh shit!!! GAHH NO NO! Demi! WHYYY?! Awhh he likes her :) well this just complicated things :/ love it bestie!!!


That was so great. I can't wait to see what will happen next.


Aww I loved it ! Can't wait to see what happens in the next one !


@vivi199898 not in real life, are you kidding i love taylor this is just for the one shot. But trust me i love Taylor she is my idol and my inspiration.


Joeeee likes demi yayay :3 taylor's a bitch tho ._.
I love it, post more please
