Classroom Behavior | Classroom Management Tips

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Classroom management strategies you can use to improve your classroom discipline.






0:37 Teacher college
1:57 Why do kids misbehave?
2:18 bad teacher
1:46 Running sentences in English class
2:32 Deserted Island activity in class
3:00 nature versus nurture good student
3:40 problem student
4:10 teaching is difficult
5:30 how to deal with difficult students
5:50 respect teacher
6:40 Teacher as leader
7:10 ideal teacher
9:00 secret to teaching
10:00 set personal boundaries






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why do my students misbehave what can i do to learn more about this
problems with student behavior. students attack teachers. why are kids bad. why do students misbehave


A big thank you to all the teachers out there making a difference in the lives of all their students. Your impact will not go unnoticed and there is tremendous gratitude for the work and effort you put into this profession.

#classroommanagement #educate #teach2021
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Thank you for watching! What are some issues you have with student behavior or some successes that you are really proud of?


I really would like to see in action a good teacher who deals with difficult students. Like randomly entering to a classroom out of control.


Your video came at the right time. I like how you said giving candy will backfire. I have difficult class. I wrote the rules and posted them on the board along with the consequences. (If they don't stop their action when I stare at them I give them 5 fingers and they have to talk to me after class or they get a phone call home). All 3 of the students who disrupted apologized after class to avoid a phone call home. However, they repeated their actions the next time they came and I followed through with the 5 minutes except that I made strict eye contact with them and told them that they can't continue to repeat their actions or I will follow up with a phone call home, conference, or a detention. I am planning to sit at their table for lunch to find out why they don't like to come to my class. I am going let them share their feelings and maybe offer them to learn something ahead of time so they can demonstrate it to the class. The VP told the student they could go out of the room and sit in the hallway (no supervision) but my door locks and they can't come back in. What do you think of this?


Hi Eric. I wanted you to know that I’ve watched many of your videos, and they all have helped me so much. But this one is special. It has become my classroom management bible. I listen to this every morning while I’m driving to work. It gives me all the courage I need to face all the difficulties and deal with any behavior of my students. I can’t thank you enough for explaining your theory of misbehaviors. It definitely makes sense to me and helped me understand my students so much better. I am getting more and more confident in my classroom day by day. Thank you very much for this video!


Extremely helpful, extraordinary! Just 1 thing: our teachers were experienced and tough, and each time a bully challenged them, they answered back. So the whole lesson was turned into verbal fighting, one bully rebelled after another and teacher answered rudely each time, So all lessons in my school seemed extremely annoying to me, I was a good student and wanted to learn literature, languages, chemistry... all I learnt at lessons was how to answer back and be rude. I hated my school because of that situation.


One of the best videos I've ever seen during my teacher's career. Thank you very much Eric!


I’m going to listen to this every morning before class until I achieve this!


Thanks for this tip. Although I'm a teacher for 18 years, I always open my mind for new information even from anyone younger than me. I was smiling when you mention some cliche that some "professor" / "experts" said about how to handle children. I totally agree with your statement about being a leader, not a follower. I see many young teachers try to be a pleaser type, although sometimes it works, but when in a serious case like fighting among classmates, the teachers lost their authority. I was once a teacher with bad temper, bad emotional control, and I started to correct myself by reading books about anger management. I have so much better anger management now, especially when I understand that don't take their testing on you personally and that is what I do, but I still act angry to show dominance. I like the concept of "be the leader" because we, teachers, are the ones students look up to, hence, the leadership plays an important role. The lesson I can get from your video is 1. Get students' respect, 2. Be firm and don't take things personal and 3. Be a confident teacher inside out. Your video has made me have more faith toward myself. Thank you


My voice is not too strong and English is my second language, so a voice amplifier helped me a lot. It is true that misbehaving students gave me an opportunity to show boundaries for the entire class.


It's been almost 9 years since I'm teaching elementary level school kids. In my earlier years I used to get very angry and shout at them whenever they misbehaved in class. But with time I've learnt to deal with the situations more calmly. I wish I had found your advice in my initial years to make things easier for me. Anyway, thanks a lot for your valuable advice Eric. It's gonna help me more in the future to handle such situations in class. 😊


You're really a great help especially to me as a new teacher in Thailand
Thanks 😊
GOD bless you more


I liked this video very much, thanks for your words, ... that's true ... 'when people don't understand something they lye to cover it up'. Nowadays more and more we have undisciplined students at school and the teachers are being tired about that... this is a really problem at schools.


At 09:31, I thought you were about to say, "listen, you!". Haha Great video, though. I appreciate the parallelism with romantic relationships. So true.


Thank you so much for this Eric! I do admint that at times I give in and take in personally when students misbehave. There are even times I thought was it something I did wrong. Your video had inspired me to rethink & reevaluate my teaching methodology and to have a different perspective / mindset shift. Appreciate it! Keep up the good work! Love watching your video and sharing ~❤


This is not only to manage your classroom! I think it helps if you understand the theory to manage our own kids and family.


Thanks for your videos, most helpful and no blah blah fillers like so many others. My pet theory on why they act up is for attention but your 'testing the leader' idea is most enlightening.


This was so helpful and empowering! It’s given me a different perspective on my experience with difficult students


Hello. All what you said is naturally true, but to make it simple, let's clarify why students come to classes? To be learners. Why learners? To get a job. Why get a job? To reach their purposes. If students have goals, then they value time and have respect for teacher. Time is short, and teachers have so many problems which is different from country to country. Teachers have been graduated from universities with diffcult lessons. Students only have to sit and keep quiet, believe me! Talkative ones and bad students will never change unless they want themselves. Teachers don't need to be leaders and tolerate too much.


Your a superstar, spreading excellent techniques to make other teachers more confident in their delivery.


Wow, this video this GOLD. Thank you!
