Anant Agarwal: Why massively open online courses (still) matter

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2013 was a year of hype for MOOCs (massively open online courses). Great big numbers and great big hopes were followed by some disappointing first results. But the head of edX, Anant Agarwal, makes the case that MOOCs still matter -- as a way to share high-level learning widely and supplement (but perhaps not replace) traditional classrooms. Agarwal shares his vision of blended learning, where teachers create the ideal learning experience for 21st century students.

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So this guy predicted a future because today everyone has online classrooms. Love it! haha


People will look back on this video one day and realize history was made. Heading to edX now.


I'm currently in university. I go to my classes and daydream while the professor talks, then I go home and try to teach myself the material. I don't have the attention span to sit and listen to someone lecture me. I think that moving towards a world where people can learn with a pause button is promising.


This video needs to be shared. The information is outstanding. I am a beneficiary of edx and I am so blessed to have found this resource. It has transformed my life.
There's no way a person like me from a poor country, Liberia, could have afforded the quality of education I receive on edx.


Who else is here in 2022 because of edX? Thanks to all the great minds who spread the knowledge.


Hah! I did circuits and electronics 6002x online about a year ago and it was great, Anant Agarwal was the professor!


This TED is incredible! Lectures like this makes me remind how I love to learn!

Thank you!


Happy to see I was not the only one who got lost in class because I coudln't take notes fast enough (plus I struggled trying to read the blackboard). In fact, even people with mental disorders can benefit enormously from this, studying feeling calm at home (Social anxiety disorder (SAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), ...). I really hope more and more people will learn like this; I love pausing, rewinding, selecting x1.25 most of the time, ... This is priceless. Thank you.


I can see your pasion, Anant. I can see your great work as an agent of changes. Uau!!! (that is for me, because I found three words that expresses my admiration): Bravo!!! Congratulations!!! Thank you!!!


Estoy en un curso de Edx y dieron este video dentro de las tareas. Me pareció una exposición genial que une algo que toda presentación de un tema debieses tener:
- Una persona real (lo cual en estos tiempos es importante de destacar así como vamos, en que piensan reemplazar a las personas para toda actividad, llegando a una exageración).

- Un tema interesante explicado de una manera simple, ya que con el se llega a todos, expertos y no expertos del área.

- Una forma amena, entretenida de exposición, lo que permite mantener la concentración por más tiempo, y además, conservar el contenido con mayor facilidad.

Muchas gracias.


Learning to teach is becoming Teaching to learn through MOOC! It's great to be part of it!


We shouldn't forget that a lot of MOOC participants aren't usual first semester students but highly educated men and women who already have got one ore more graduations. They're doctors, professors and similar. They know how to learn on their own. The presented techniques may work well if you're able to learn autonomically, but that is not always given.


The main reason to go to a university remains mostly social. Forming relationships, connections, and discussions. Covid will illuminate just how significant the need for change is...


I'm currently doing an iversity MOOC in astrophysics. It's free to enrol, it's really interesting, and thoroughly enjoyable. I could never afford to pay for an equivalent qualification from a traditional University and because I'm a full-time carer I'm not able to go out to attend lectures and seminars etc.. so studying from home is ideal. MOOCs get a huge thumbs up from me ! 


just got an account for edX. I loved this talk because I relate to this. I think technology can improve our education system. People who don't have an opportunity can still learn. And for me, my school teacher doesn't do anything except busy work and I really want to learn. This will be a great opportunity for me to learn what I want, and learn it well. Thank you!


Muy accesible la traducción del video al español (por Daniel Sainz y Patricia Aguirre). La conferencia muy sencilla en su exposición logra transmitir además con cierto humor algunas de las inquietudes más compartidas en todo el mundo para lograr educación significativa y con sentido ciudadano.
Debo reconocer y agradecer además a Victoria Gutiérrez haber subido el enlace a la página UAGro Virtual.


This is an awesome step forward in revolutionizing education. I am starting my second online course from Harvard through EdX and it's amazing to know I am learning with the best possible. So glad to live in these times. Love learning. Love EdX. Thank you so much .


Edx is also a very recent discovery for me and finding it very inspirational. Thanks for making this so accessible.


edx is awesome, can't wait until my new course starts!


Agree with most of these ideas.  BUT (and this is a big but) some subjects lend themselves to this approach more than others AND some students are more self motivated than others!
