Do you play the same game over and over? (Meta Game Minute)

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Nick and I like to play different games constantly, even if we are super hot on a new game. Nick and David however will play the same game multiple times in a row or over the course of a week and leave the game set up and ready to play. How do you do games at home?

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I try to play any new games I buy within the same month - usually a couple of times. We also go back and replay old favourites too.


I like mixing it up each time for sure as I don’t want to play a game so much that I get tired of it, although I might play something 2-3 times because I’m sharing it with a new group of ppl each time and the rules are still fresh in my head. The most annoying thing about wanting to play diff games is having to relearn all the rules again after not having played in awhile.


Captain Sonar is a game that I do have repeat plays of due to the nature of how when I have 7 other players with me we are playing Captain Sonar because it’s such a special event and it’s an amazing time! My mother always plays Quacks of Quadlinberg with me and immediately wants to play it again! I also love doing repeat plays of Letters From Whitechapel and switching up the roles of who is the jack player and who is part of the police team.


My family tends to play a new game quite a bit when we first get it and then it enters the rotation. Bigger games come out a couple times a year, generally during holidays when we have time and then the lighter games are throughout the year.


I like to play a game at least twice if it's a fresh game, newer to the collection. If it's a game like Great Western Trail, where I've played it tons, one game is enough then it's back in the box (best game ever btw). So it really depends on how much I've played it in the past.. I agree that if you're still learning and experimenting strategies, it's a good idea to play it a couple times before putting it away to consolidate that knowledge for next time, so you don't need to get through a game to remember that next level strategy you thought of at the end of the last game. Lately I've been playing a lot of repeat plays of Glen More 2 Chronicles and Brass Birmingham, as they are the newest in my collection (both great! Highly recommended!).


I strongly prefer playing multiple games during a game night ( usually 2-3 different games). I usually also play almost exclusively different games in a week, but Wingspan was the exception to the rules this past weeks !


I have a table specifically for gaming. This makes it easy to keep games set up for several days. So I will have multiple plays of the same game, especially solo games. Similarly when I bring out a game to play with my wife we are much more likely to have multiple plays of the same game rather than of different games. This is not only because of set up but rules familiarity. If we have guests over we are more likely to play different games, to offer variety and let each person play the kind of game they like.


I get a better satisfaction when playing a new game than replaying it over and over. There are a few games where I like to play more than 2x/3x times every year and get a good enough satisfaction. I usually play solo and like play a game 2x/3x and then keep several months or more than a year without playing it again.


My wife and I will always learn a new game by playing 2 back-to-back sessions. I still have too many games that I haven't played, so I bounce back and forth between learning the new games, and replaying known games. I do feel though, that because I have so many different games, I have not mastered any of them, something I wish would happen.


I play it once typically depending on game group but I play games multiple times across game groups :D


I never leave games out but for a short game (30 minutes) it's not uncommon to play two games of it back to back.


I play 2 or 3x the same game before going to the next one. Less than 1 month I can play all my little solo collection :) 8 games so far


I think it depends on who I play with. Ticket to ride for me was my intro to the hobby game and that's all my dad will play. When I play with him we repeat games. We do best 2/3 and then switch maps. Now that I'm into the hobby more I tend to switch it up and not do frequent repeat plays.


My game library isn't very large. I tend to play those games plenty. Even within that small collection, I do often go on a "kick" playing one particular game more than anything else.


I have to switch it up just because there are so many games, even in just my own collection. But I will leave a game out to play a few times, even in the same day, but usually only at home for Singleplayer experiences. In a group that almost never happens, but have had a few sessions where we've played multiple times (Ice Cool for instance).


I took a year off from purchasing or backing games so that I can replay my games more. I tend to play something different every time.


My wife will play games with me, but there are very few games she's willing to play. As such we normally play the same game multiple times in one session.


Depends on the game and the situation. I agree that deepening strategy is best done by an immediate replay. But repeating engine builders right after is the worst! You go from super powerful, multi-layered, ultraproductive turns to gaining one resource or drawing one card. I always feel like I'm wasting turns at the being of the second play.


I was playing terraforming Mars solo. And I wanted to play multiple times over a month. So I played repeatedly. I left it set up. But I don’t play and leave set up in the game room, unless I know we are coming back to it the next day. Or it’s late and I don’t want to put it up that night.


At home, we got a small collection in comparison with yours... around 25 games... so they do get played on and on
