HUGE Steampunk Airship, Crazy Ornithopter, and More of YOUR BEST BUILDS

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Welcome to another episode of Scrap Mechanic YOUR BEST BUILDS! I asked members of my discord to submit links to their personal best creations. I selected some of my favorites from that list and this is what we play with today! Which one was your favorite?

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What is Scrap Mechanic?

Scrap Mechanic is a multiplayer sandbox game with imagination and ingenuity at its core. Create fantastic machines, transforming vehicles or sneaky traps. The possibilities are endless with Scrap Mechanics powerful tools.

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For laggy creations, I recommend going into the settings and putting the physics setting to one under max (one under "advanced"). I've noticed that it has no noticeable impact on the physics, yet somehow brings back ALL of your frames.


Scrapman's editing is much better than it used to be. But it still not too edited which is why it makes scrapman different


The steampunk airship was definitely my favourite! I love steampunk and anything that can fly and both combined is the best thing ever!


I DID IT! I'M IN THE VIDEO! I have been waiting for the best builds thing since the discord announcement and i'm so happy i got into it. There was even more to the cathedral, because i wanted to connect the rooms with a network of tunnels in the walls, and for some odd reason i put far too much effort into that, but whatever THE 50+ HOURS WEREN'T WASTED WOO


You know I wouldn't mind a 3 hour showcase vid I would watch it all


The thumbnail gave me an idea

you should do a scrap mechanic series of a community sky base similar to your community series where you made a massive base suspended only by three bridges but instead of suspended by bridges it is suspended by thrusters keeping it up in the air so not only can you add onto it and not worry about the bridges glitching or breaking but you can also save it to the scrap mechanic workshop so that your community can make areas for you to add onto it that can easily connect to the base and I honestly think that it would be a really interesting series


That ornithopter is wild, somebody spent a LOT of time making that work properly.


12:00 part of the reason i love ornithopters so much is because you get to see almost and inside perspective of the mechanics of some animals wacky biology, with this flyer its a really spot on replica of how a dragon fly's wings actually work.


That Dune Ornithopter was epic and accurate!



That kinda reminds me of AL-AN's Architect body at the end of "Subnautica: Below Zero".


Scrap man actually being able to play minesweeper is amazing


1:46 needing to go outside to get to the bathrooms used to be kinda common design for fast food places, at least around where I lived as a kid.

But then, they ended up with issues with homeless people living in them or using them as places to shoot up.


The minesweeper creation is super cool!
I wish he showed us how it was programmed.


I can't wait for this to become a series.


That thumbnail with the steampunk ship revived some old memories


You can easily check the ornithopter: just disconnect the wings and see if it still fly. My guess is yes, it was too smooth for being scrap mechanic aerodynamic, it looked more like suspension glitch


that Ornithopter was really the best for me. and it's also from a movie ¨Dune¨


My best build is definitely a hydrofoil jetski in Trailmakers. It’s also very small. Like a 10x6x6 size.


The back wheels rotating makes total sense. Not for a high speed vehicle, but some large construction vehicles work like this.


going too big used to be a huge problem for me also, just wanting to make something massive an magnificent, yet ending up with a hollow shell. What really helped me with that is actually doing the opposite. Making something just moderately small, then making these long pipe systems, made up wiring, and absolutely PACKING it to the brim with useless pipe and wore decor. now i can kinda get a scale for things, an get an image into my head about what would go were.. an making a design that if too small, i can easily expand upon. always start small with a design that can be expanded, then expand as needed an make the ‘shell’ last. like this huge cathedral, id start with the main rooms, an add some smaller ones overtime as id see fit. then working on the shell for the whole place, and boom. both a functioning and good looking place. always think of exterior decor as a last, an think of it as being disposable. fuction, into form.
