Bespoke BaaS – Backup as a Service on your terms

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Currently, most of enterprises have either a SaaS-based backup (also called BaaS or a Backup as a Service), or an on-premise backup setup in place.

A BaaS (Backup as a Service) offers the advantage of having your employees work from anywhere and takes away the need for you to host and maintain on-premise infrastructure. But an on-premise setup offers its own unique set of advantages such as greater control to businesses over data security and privacy, regulatory compliance, faster data recovery and more.

Considering that both the models - BaaS and on-Premise, offer their own advantages, what if you looked at a combined approach? A best of both worlds?

At Parablu, we call it Bespoke BaaS, and it refers to a backup deployment model that's tailored to suit your specific data backup needs.
With Bespoke Baas, we can set up a hosted (BaaS) backup for your employees working from home. And have in-office employees backup to our on-premise backup server.
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