Nick Brandt

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Nick Brandt is one of the more important photographers working in fine art today. His entire cause and mission is wrapped around stopping the rampant poaching problem in East Africa.

Nick photographs animals as portraits. He doesn't use telephoto lenses as he prefers to photograph his subjects as one would people. This is a painstaking practice that involves extreme patience and dedication and this shows clearly in the work he produces.

Brandt works in a hybrid film and digital process. He photographs using film on a Pentax 67 camera with modified lens (creating a soft focus, tilt-shift effect). The film is scanned and toned in the computer before the works are rendered as digital prints.

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Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
3100 Main St #135
Dallas, Texas 75226

My name is Ted Forbes and I make videos about photography. I’ve been making photographs most of my life and I have a tremendously deep passion for photography that I want to share with you on YouTube.

The Art of Photography is my channel and I produce photography videos to provide a 360 degree look into the world of making images. We all want to get better so lets do this together!

I make videos covering famous photographers, photography techniques, composition, the history of photography and much more.

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Nick Brandt may be my favorite photographer of all time. I remember the moment I first saw his work. I pulled a book off the shelf in Barnes and Noble, cracked it open, and just sat there with my jaw hanging open. I don’t remember what the first photograph was... I was so blown away by .. everything.. but especially the flawless compositions. You couldn’t come up with better compositions if you were a painter in complete control of everything. I bought all his books and could spent entire Saturday mornings just slowly turning the pages. I had the opportunity to meet him at one of his gallery showings. Very kind man.


I always have been a great fan of Nick Brandt’s work but never questioned his approach to the medium. I was quite ignorant until this podcast.

A very informative one, I must say.
I suspected that Nick used Photoshop (or some types of Photoshop plugin like Focus 2 Pro) but it does not seems to be the case. Whatever the method, post-processing or tilt- shift lens, the results are quite extraordinary. 

Even if those methods can produce great images, these photographs are already amazing in the way he captures the animal kingdom as family portraits – the parents and their heirs – in an undisturbed habitat, the one he, I, and others idealize.

His approach to counter poaching is unique and quite different from photographers who like to focus on the carnage. He appeals to “sensibility” – a term we attribute only and wrongly to the human species – but chosen here to represent all species – the likeness of the human and animal nature.

A message well sent – (and received).

Thanks Ted for another great podcast.


After seeing one of his books in an art museum (A Shadow Falls), I got to see his exhibition of prints in NYC... they were SO AMAZING!!!


Nick Brandt is one of my favorites. His newest project "Inherit the Dust" is so amazing!!! He just blows me away.


Great insert... got to get up close ;-) Nick is fantastic. Have all three books at home. Enjoying your channel thanks!!!


I had the opportunity to be at an exhibition of Nick Brant in Brussels, Belgium in the Yung Gallery, and the pictures were just breath taking! also had the opportunity to chat a bit with him, i must say he is a wonderful person with huge heart.


Thank you Ted Forbes for featuring the wonderful images of Nick Brandt I've loved his work for many years 😊


Lovely video!  
Photography and photo processing are one of my favorite past-times and this information is intriguing...must delve into your channel.  
As a long-time supporter of Big Life Foundation, i'm greatly humbled and inspired by Nick Brandt's work for animals.   My all-time favorite photographer and a true hero, Nick Brandt deserves to be a household name.
Thank you for featuring his work!


Saw his show in Chelsea. The photos are not just large but monumental. Epic in feel and the books, as large as they are, can't capture it. Definitely see his work in person if you can.


Hey, I'm an Austrian (not Australian ;D) Photography Student and i've looked so long to find a channel like this! I really enjoy your videos :) 


I've always wanted to do wildlife photography on my Mamiya RB67 instead of my Nikon F4 film cameras.

If Nick Brandt can do it on a Pentax 67, a similar MF camera in weight, this is the inspiration I need


As I live in Sweden I really gonna try and go to Stockholm watch his work at Fotografiska. Thanks for the tip!


I love Nick Brandt's work. I saw some of his prints in a Gallery that represents him in Berlin and they were absolutely stunning. And really massive too. My best friend also bought me the first two books of the series before they were out of print.


Ted, if you're going to Sweden in the near future, I suggest you to visit "fotografiska" in Stockholm and also go to the Hasselblad centre in Gothenburg. Two amazing experiences!

Actually I was at Fotografiska in Stockholm a few year back when Nick was on, I was stunned and as a surprise to me the night I was there was the first day of his latest exhibition. I was standing there looking at one of the lion picture and all of the sudden there was a person behind asking me what I thought. That was Nick and he explained to me how he had been laying there waiting for the shot and no using telephoto lenses. It''s amazing. The reason he approached me was that he was checking if all the prints where hung correctly and good enough according to him. :)

Anyways I just wanted to say I enjoy the show and keep up the good work and I feel with you the happenings in Dallas, I'll be in town on Tuesday for short and then back next week as part of my holidays.


I greatly appreciate your presenting the wonderful work of Nick Brandt. He takes the often maligned discipline of wildlife photography and elevates it to fine art. I like the analogy you gave that he is the Arnold Newman of wildlife photography.


I really like Nick's approach as it really, as you mentioned, captures the animals in a "timeless" way. His openness about his hybrid process is very inspiring as well. At first I thought, is this guy related to Bill Brandt?


Amazingly touching photo's by Nick Brandt, loved the video on him Ted and seriously considering buying his books. I keep thanking you for bringing all these wonderful photographers to my attention. And I just keep wondering who will be next... :)

Also, I'm really excited about your plans for the next episodes on using hybrid techniques!


yes is work is absolutely special thanks for this video


Another informative, interesting, thought provoking video Ted. Keep up the great work, always a thumbs up from me.


David Yarrow has a lot to thank Nick for
