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Hi guys!! TIME TO JUMP BACK INTO MIDDLE EARTH... With The Hobbit trilogy!! So this is the first movie of the trilogy - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It felt weird not having our usual group be the main characters and to be in a different time in Middle Earth but it's so nice to be back in this universe. I have OPINIONS so wait until the end to hear them!!!! The movie looked like a promising beginning to these films so I'm hopeful!! I know there are strong and differing opinions so no h8 in the comments oki?!

Thank you guys, I hope you'll join me for this new journey and enjoy it just as much. ❤


#thehobbit #reaction #commentary
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Yes, this was the extended edition! But I don't think I was as hyped with the extended edition as I was for LOTR! What do you guys think?


"He looks like Pippin" That is an adorable observation, when you consider that Bilbo's mother was a Took and Peregrine himself is a Took as well!


The Dwarves singing Misty Mountains always gives me chills.


"I thought Orcs were supposed to be fearless, not really care about anything"
That's actually Uruk-Hai you're thinking of, Saruman's invention based off of Orcs. Regular Orcs definitely fear, I mean, remember Return of the King? Sam coming up the stairs, the Orcs seeing his shadow? They were afraid ^^


Characters sing throughout both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books. Unusual that we got so LITTLE singing in the films, actually.


Rest in Peace to the great Sir Ian Holm. I was so happy to see him return for these films as Bilbo once more. And Elijah Wood, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett, and Sir Christopher Lee for appearing as Frodo, Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, and Saruman once again as well.


C.S. Lewis (who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia about 15 years later) was the guy who kept encouraging Tolkien to finish and publish the Hobbit. His private review to their circle of friends was that Tolkien had "Finally done it! He's written a book that wish we all could have read when we were children!" And he predicted it might just well become a classic.


I don't understand why people hate on this movie, it's literally before the big war and the world isn't dead from the dark and horrible war.... So yeah it's gonna be a brighter movie and no it's not 100% perfect but they are awesome movies that connect really well enough for it to be a good experience... I watch a 6- movie marathon of all of them a few times a year, they flow greatly together.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I really love the Hobbit trilogy. And I think one of the main reasons it gets put down so much is because it is competing with LOTR which is pretty much impossible. But I think this trilogy has some incredible characters and fantastic moments.


Gandalf is always there to save the day because
a wizard is neither late nor early, he arrives precisely when he means to.


Read "The Hobbit" when I was 9 yrs old and read it in just a few days ignoring homework and even reading in class. Was my first long story and first book of Tolkien I read. Has a special place in my heart because of that. So I did enjoy the Hobbit trilogy as much as the "Lord of the Rings" movies even though it isn't filmed at the same level.


J.R.R. Tolkien published the Hobbit in 1937 as a children’s book and later in the 1950’s expanded his story for a more adult audience.


It's a story on multiple levels. At one level, it *is* a story for young people. At the same time, if you look more deeply, it's also the story of Thorin's descent into madness. The Hobbit was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's experiences on the front lines of the Western Front in WWI, so while the story begins in an uplifting way, in the end, the Hobbit is a tragic story of sadness and senseless loss - much like the war in itself.


30:32 On the opening night I saw this in theaters, there was kid that yelled, "Get him Gandalf!" when Saruman appeared.

It made us all burst out laughing.


The scene where Bilbo spares Gollum's life always gets me. It is THE decisive moment in the whole LotR saga.

Gollum was the most despicable creature alive, a liar and a murderer, and even though he was at his mercy, Bilbo decided to spare his life. And if he hadn't, Frodo and Sam would have perished in Mount Doom, Aragorn would have died at the Black Gate, and Sauron would have ruled Middle-Earth unchallenged.

The moment Bilbo spared the life of the most despicable living creature in the world, is the moment Sauron lost and was destroyed forever. And the fact that the soundtrack echoes Gandalf's and Frodo's discussion about pity and mercy in Moria is just the icing on the cake.


In The Fellowship of the Ring, several callbacks to the events of the Hobbit are mentioned such as the three trolls turned to stone, Thorin Oakenshield giving Bilbo the Mithril Ring shirt, and Gimli’s father Gloin being at the meeting at Rivendale.


Dungeons and Dragons actually came up with a great reason why dragons like gold: They are partially elemental in nature, and gold is a good conductor of elemental forces, like heat and electricity. So laying on gold actually makes them feel better.


Vicky here: "Yes, always spare a life."

Vicky during the battle of Helm's Deep: "KILL


The book was actually intended for young adult readers, so the "LOTR For Kids" comment is fairly astute. But of course, the studio wanted another big, epic trilogy with in the same style as LOTR, which the material didn't really support. That's why these movies can be tonally inconsistent.

I think it helps to remind yourself that Bilbo is telling this story, so much of it is probably embellished or exaggerated.


Elrond recognized the two elven swords, and he even had the rightful claim to Glamdring (the sword that Gandalf used after the troll encounter).

Elrond mentioned that it was the sword of the king of Gondolin, which was a hidden elven kingdom in the First Age (by the events of the film, destroyed thousands of years ago). The king of Gondolin was the Noldor elf lord Turgon, and he was also the father of a daughter named Idril who married a human called Tuor - they, in turn, had a son who they named Eärendil (major character in the history of the world of the books and films) and Eärendil was the father of twin sons named Elrond and Elros.

Elrond and Elros were of half-elf lineage by virtue of Idril's union with Tuor, and all half-elves must choose whether they want to live as elves or humans. Elrond chose the (effectively) immortal life of the elves, while his brother chose a mortal life - the Gift of Men. After the defeat of the first dark lord Morgoth, Elros became the first king of Numenor, an island raised from the depths of the western ocean as a reward for the Edain (humans in elvish) for their part in the war against Morgoth... The bloodline of the kings of Numenor leads to kings of Gondor, chieftains of the Dunedain (elvish for "men of the west") and eventually to Aragorn... So Elrond not only fostered Aragorn when he was young, but he also is Aragorn's great-great-great... bunch of "greats"-uncle
