Ukraine to UN: 'Should I put my glasses if my vision fails me? Anyone voted for Russian membership?'

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Feb. 28. 2022

"I wonder if the Russian presence in the United Nations has ever been legitimate. I wonder if ever this whole assembly voted in accordance with paragraph two of Article four, on admission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations. Either in December 1991, or in January 1992, or wherever after. I want to ask the delegates whose countries voted for admission of the Russian delegation to the United Nations to raise their hand. To confirm that Russia was admitted to the United Nations according to the charter. Please, ladies and gentlemen, please raise your hand if your country voted in the formal session of the General Assembly in reply to the letter by President Yeltsin dated December 24, 1991, when he told the United Nations that Russia would like to be a contributory state after the demise of Soviet Union. Anyone? Shall I put on my glasses? My vision fails me. I don't see any hand raised. Any country? Anyone voted for Russian membership? I leave you with that, and think about it when you listen to the Russian delegate."

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Sergiy Kyslytsya - Ukraine ambassador to UN

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Thank you for posting this video. Finally someone is saying loud about kicking the aggressor out of the UN Security Council. Bravo Sergiy!
