Top 10 Venomous Bites That Will Make You Hallucinate Your Worst Nightmares

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Top 10 Venomous Bites That Will Make You Hallucinate Your Worst Nightmares

Grab your antivenom, we are gonna be looking at vipers, spiders, and bugs, oh my! Be it bees, spiders, ants, this we have a horrible one today. Welcome back to most amazing top ten, hope you're not eating any bananas, here are the Top 10 Venomous Bites That Will Make You Hallucinate Your Worst Nightmares.

#top10 #mysteries #unsolved #unexplained #mostamazingtop10 #terrifying #unexpected #weirdest

Time Codes:
0:00 - Intro
0:14 - Brown Recluse Spider
1:17 - Western Yellow Jacket
1:52 - Brazilian Wandering Spider
2:44 - Brood X Cicadas
3:51 - Bullet Ant
4:57 - Tarantula Hawk Wasp
5:53 - Inland Taipan Snake
6:37 - Indian Red Scorpion
7:20 - Mexican Beaded Lizard
8:02 - Black Widow Spider
8:49 - Outro & Comments

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I was bitten by a baby brown recluse. It crawled up my pant leg and when it bit me it felt like someone pierced my leg with a spear! I hit the spot, killing the spider. I kept the body in a bottle because I could not believe such a tiny spider could cause that much pain. The spot looked like a little pimple. The next morning it was weeping and about the size of a loonie (Canadian $1 coin) I took the squished spider with me to the hospital. By noon the spot on my leg was the size of a avocado. They finally figured out what kind of spider it was, the doctor was amazed because at that time nobody knew the recluses had migrated this far north. It was a long battle where they weren't sure if they could save my leg but thankfully they did.


Spending the rest of my life in a diving suit and living in a biodome. Thanks for helping me make major life decisions.


8 years old, me and some cousin were playing basketball along the Alabama river when we decided to kick our shoes off. I went to get mine after the game and all I remember is my cousin Johnny saying “Noah wait!!!” And down I went with 17 stings from western yellowjackets.

Woke up 2 days later in the ER thinking I was a firefighter


Nothing ever beats the bite from a little red ant to your pipee.


Brown Recluse spiders are actually rather small much like the Black Widow, both of which we have in Colorado. They mostly hang out in dark, cool places like crawl spaces and usually bite only if accidentally disturbed. Avoid reaching into places that you can't see well. They may be the only spider that causes severe necrosis to the skin, but there are several examples of snakes from Africa and Australia whose venom also causes severe necrosis.

The condition caused by the Brazillian Wandering Spider resulting in a prolonged, very painful, and dangerous erection is called Priapism, can also be caused by irresponsible, excessive dosing of common medications used for erectile dysfunction (ED). If developed for whatever reason, don't be shy, seek medical help immediately.


This channel is so underrated. I love this channel!! Thanks guys!


Great content more please looking forward to part two I love this kind of stuff thank you


We have a few Yellowjacket nests on my small farm. A couple in trees and one in the ground. They are great pest control actually. We also have a couple other species of ground wasps and two types of bumblebees that nest in the ground. Plus honey bees. We’re not allergic so we don’t mind them as long as they aren’t nesting in a spot that puts us in danger like by a door.


You are so funny, the way you can talk about creepy crawling yuck bugs and I can still laugh. It makes me want to watch more of you😊
*That didn't sound creepy"😆


You should consider doing a video on swamp creatures, they really are magical places where the things in them can make you disappear in 24 hours or less


I live in a house with a lot of brown recluse's and have been bit several times, but my mom and i have a gene or something that causes us both to be immune to their venom stuff so that's great


Informative video, grate hosting job. Thanks


having have been bit by a recluse spider, I can say they suck. I got bit on my knee, thought it was a mosquito bite until I got light headed and sick. I ended up taking meds and daily had to drain it and at one point had hard what stuff that I have to use tweezers to pull out. My knee has given me problems since.


A friend of my grandpa got bit in the face by a spider. It was necrotizing venom. He has skin grafts that started at his face and went all the way past his chest. He had to get a manufactured voice box and part of his chest plate was prosthetic


This was so interesting!! Love Taylor!!!


Your very easy to listen to,
I hate bugs and normally wouldn't even bother to watch things with them, but you can make creepy Crawlers😱🤢 bearable with you energy and humour. Thank you. 😀


I really enjoy the list you come up with!!


I think it's important to note that most brown recluse spiders are relatively small between .25 and .75 inches or roughly 7-20mm theyre small in comparison to the other common brown spiders like wolf spiders in the area. while not deadly those still mess ya up with a bite and ive seen them as big as my palm in PA


Fun coyote Peterson got stung by both the bullet ant & tha taranchula hawk on purpose 4 educational reasons


I'm allergic to bee stings and live in Maryland, so I'm never going outside again. I'm also terrified of spiders.. what a horrifying list!! 😱
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (a progressive nerve disease) is a 54 on the McGill Pain Scale.. nothing's higher.
