Prayer For Debt Cancellation | Be Set Free

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Prayer For Debt Cancellation | Be Set Free

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Welcome To The Prayer For Debt Cancellation.

This is simply a video I’ve put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice.

All I ask you to do is to agree with me as we seek our Heavenly Father.

Please continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself.

Speak it daily or listen to this video over and over again and allow the Word of God concerning debt cancellation to reach deep into your spirit.

Let us pray...

Heavenly Father, we gather together here online and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus.

Where two or more are gathered there You shall surely be and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

The Bible says that if there is any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying.

Therefore we release any anger, bad feelings, resentment or any other wrong attitude before You now.

We lay it at your feet and we release and forgive those who have wronged us.

I lift up those watching this video and we come into agreement and lift up debt cancellation.

Thank You, Father, for giving the listener prosperity in every area of their life.

They are committing before You right now that they want to live prosperous according to Your instruction and not a worldly strategy.

We command it to be loosed from their life.

Take your hands off the listeners money devil!

It does not belong to you.

It belongs to the Lord.

Stay away for the harvest belongs to the one listening to this video!

Together we rebuke you in Jesus Name!

We choose to forget the past and decide this day to move forward - fresh and new.

According to Your Word, we stand in unshakable faith, based on Your Word, ready to receive from You.

Help the listener understand what it means to be a tither and a giver.

Show them the church You want them to attend.

Show them the people, ministries, organizations, and every other opportunity in which You desire that the listener sow their finances.

We declare that the listener is a tither and a giver.

We declare that their heart is sensitive to giving where You desire Lord.

Your Word says that He who ministers seed to the sower both ministers bread for their food and multiplies their seed sown and increases the fruits of their righteousness.

Therefore, the listener is enriched in everything to all bountifulness, which causes through them thanksgiving to God.

Praise the Lord!

Right now the listener is ready to plant.

They will give the seed time to cultivate and grow and will not question You if they don’t see the harvest tomorrow.

We dedicate the finances you bring into the hands of the listener to Your service, to Your affairs, in Jesus’ Name.

We declare multiplication and abundant financial increase in the life of listener right now in Jesus Name.

Give them witty ideas and opportunities to increase in wealth for Your glory!

We believe we receive it now.

In Jesus Name.


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prayer for debt cancellation
Рекомендации по теме

Glory B 2 God, The MOST High. Jehovah Jireh. I was behind over $11, 000 in rent due & applied for Texas Rent Relief, my court date was scheduled in 2 days. God came thru and delivered, I got approved for over $15, 000 to pay-off my rental debt, Glory B 2God. I would listen 2 this, praise & read the word. Been waiting on TX Relief since March. Believe and know He’s an ON-TIME GOD.


Financial Freedom is important, so to whoever heard this prayer, .It shall be well with you, .in Jesus Name


After reciting this and a few other prayers out loud. I was blessed with my dream job and my financial credit score went up 40 points. I believe in Jesus Christ! God is amazing he works so well and blessed me so much! Amen'


This prayer really works. I have had debt removed on numerous occasions and I am grateful for it. To God be all the glory


I month ago Daniel, we agreed together online for my Debt Cancellation.
I'm 💃dancing like DAVID, because 🥁‼️I am Debt free.
Thank you and God bless you Daniel for praying this prayer. 🙏
In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus, amen. 🙌 ☝


I decree and declare that all the listeners debts will be cancelled in JESUS MIGHTY NAME, AMEN


My debt is cancelled. Supernaturally In the name of Jesus. amen amen and amen🙏


My debt is cancelled supernaturally in the name of Jesus amen!


Help me Jesus as i dont know how to pay my debts. Please i need $5000. Lord help me to get the money from some where.


Lord I owe $534 on a credit card please Lord according to this word I need debt cancelation for this credit card bill Amen


I started listening to this prayer and one of my debts was cancelled. And I received a check for 153.12 from a class action suit. This happen in January 2020. I could not stop thanking our heavenly father. When we don't see a way he truly makes a way.
I give God all the praise and all the honor and glory. Hallelujah🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Testimony time All Glory be to our heavenly Father, So Our foreclosure was overturned, we got 6 months forbearance no payments until August and our payment dropped by 200 a month. Nobody but GOD through Faith and patience if He did it for us He can most definitely do it for you. Amen Thank you Father


All debts have been cancelled in the mighty name of Jesus. Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity! Supernatural financial breakthroug Amen


As someone who is young and just starting out in life as a 21 year old, money was something my family has always struggled with. I’ve saved from an early age but through school, I’ve been in great amounts of debt and I decree and declare this prayer lord for anyone who needs it. That nobody has the financial burden of repaying loans or having large amounts of debt. Let it be gone in the name of Jesus our lord. Amen. Glory be to God.


Father God, I thank You for debt cancellation, financial freedom and stability, in Jesus name AMEN 🙏


God Bless you for sharing this Debt Cancellation Prayer. I will type it out and read it everyday. And in Jesus Name I Decree & Declare myself and Everyone listening to this prayer DEBT FREE! If 2 or 3 HALLELUJAH!


I come in agreement with this prayer and ask God to cancel all my debts today and all the debts of all who are listening to this and are in debt in Jesus's name. Amen


please pray for my DEBT to be paid off so I may continue to help my family, myself and others amen.


Amen I receive miracle money to pay all debts. I will tithe and give without grudges, I receive this prayer in Jesus name and so it is.


I pray and I declare debt cancellation to all in JESUS Name. Amen 🙏
