Best Force Fetch Method Guaranteed!

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What is the BEST way to force fetch your dog? Check out this video!
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Okay first of all. Everyone that is a professional trainer once didn’t know how to force fetch. So people don’t be scare. Everyone in this world was born to learn and teach what they want.


How do you learn by paying someone else to do it? We’re here to learn the proper way ourselves, not to blow money on a trainer


I will disagree somewhat. Force fetching a dog isn't impossible for someone who is willing to learn and can read a dog. Lot of good programs out there that show you how to do it. Lots of amateurs who are successful at the highest levels of field trials and hunt tests train their own dogs from basics(including force fetch) all the way through advanced training. I've put about 8 dogs through force fetch and have successfully competed in mostly field trials and some hunt tests with them. However, if a person is uncomfortable doing it themselves or feels they can't learn how to do it, then I agree they should send the dog to a reputable pro to have it done.


Loved the enthusiasm and intensity that you have for this topic. Thanks for the advice


This trainer has trained three dogs for my wife and I. He trained my first dog about fourteen years ago and I hunted him as long as I could. When Marty was done training him, Remington was so alive and lived for hunting and retrieving. As my Muscular Dystrophy has progressed over the years, Remington started helping me pick things up around the house. I firmly believe being forced fetched trained led to his success with becoming a service animal for me. My current service animal Willow was crossed trained so that I can hunt with her but she is primarily a service animal. She loves to retrieve anything from a penny on the floor to a piece of paper, to my cell phone, keys, coffee mug and so much more. While I haven't had the opportunity to hunt with her, I have trained with her and she has the same love for it as Remington. I think it's a testament of the training Marty gave them!! I firmly believe Marty imparted his love of retrieving into my animals. Our third dog is too timid to force fetch train. But, Marty was honest and straight forward about her timidity and she is a great pet. I have been complimented on Willow's abilities and I can honestly say I had nothing to do with how good she is. She's only that good because, in my opinion, I have one of the best trainers in the country. I am honored to call him my friend.


It’s all about reading dogs and no two dogs are the same. It is the hardest part of training a good retriever. I see so many people want to rush it. It’s all about baby steps and that goes with the entire retriever training proses. I totally get your point my only recommendation is to see if the trainer will let you come and watch. I’m sure their are allot that won’t, but that’s the best way to learn.


100% tried it myself and took them to a pro. I can teach everything else but the fetch part requires experience


First time dog owner, I was able to follow a program and got my dog through it. Last summer my 16 months pup went 3/3 for her senior hunt test. Long journey but it was doable.


You make valid points but you also make it seem like learning to force fetch training a dog is damn near impossible when it really isn't. However some people have the touch and patience and some dont


I agree with most of your comments except for one thing that you left out, even most professionals don’t force break to retrieve well. What they call a force broke dog is not even close to a finished nonslip retriever. I only disagree with one of your comments on what type of dog Is suitable for force breaking. In the proper hands they can all become non-slip retrievers. The question is do you want to put the effort into a dog that was born with missing pieces.


I like Danny Farmer's DVD on force fetch. (I've trained competive retrievers since 1988).


I agree with a lot he says. But after FF literally hundreds of pointing breeds that really had no interest in retrieving he's dead wrong about dogs without interest in retreiving. The FF or Trained retreive is exactly what it says. It makes a retrieve an absolute command. Most dogs can be done in 2-3 weeks with an experienced trainer.


1st and only video I’ve seen of yours as I was starting to research force fetching. I’ve been debating on trying to train my pup myself for ducks, and you just turned me off to that idea. I’ll definitely be hiring a PRO. Thank you!


How are you supposed to get to do hundreds of dogs if you don’t start with the first? There’s plenty of resources like courses, patreon, trainers that could walk someone through it.. you don’t need to do it alone I agree but i think there is a lot to learn for the dog and the trainer in doing it yourself. Lots and lots of videos on YouTube of professional trainers showing you exactly how to do it


Quick question I’ve had many dogs we actually raise them I’ve been around dogs my whole life and training my whole life you have definitely trained more dogs then I have no doubt but I think if your dog loves it unless your doing field trials or comps that if your dog puts it down to shake off is fine I mean I have hunted with hundreds of dogs and the ones I think I hate hunting with the most are ones that are completely finished by professionals such as yourself and they arnt any better then the dog my friend got that’s never trained a dog before and he got him for 100$ at the flee market I think if you train a dog by yourself the dog will love you and respect you and know your way better then some third party same with my dogs I am training now one finished dog one “hunting dog” and just today picked out my first ever puppy that I am gonna train myself with no help he’s only six weeks but the other dog I just started with obedience today and all of these dogs are my family’s feel free to check us out hb kennels but I agree on some things but some I do disagree the whole paragraph I typed was mainly to say don’t discourage someone who wants to train a dog or dosent have the money to send them to people like you or people like me who know a enough about it let them try and learn and they will end if they are committed with the dog that they love more and appreciate more then if they sent it off to get trained .


Got to admit, almost turned you off. Thanks for the honesty


Force fetch is not absolutley necessary 100 percent of the time. Forcing everything with the collar is Also not 100 percent necessary. Depends on the dog. This guy thinks he knows everything though


You're not gonna learn it, if you don't do you are talking out both sides of your mouth.... FF is the greatest thing since sliced bread....some guys can do it and read a dog, and have the patience, and can give the proper pressure at the proper and some can not. The latter is the type that should not train a


It’s not that I don’t agree with you but what do you expect people to do that just can’t do that for various reason for example there are no trainers in my entire state or area that I know of. And what about for the people that want to train a duck dog but just can’t afford to pay a trainer. Your service are not cheap and I understand why that’s not what I’m arguing but not everyone can afford your service so what are they to do in your opinion. Please don’t tell me “well they shouldn’t own a dog then because that’s just not right”


Lol so how did you learn? Of course the dog trainer would tell you to pay him to train your dog..
