How to: Applied Energistics 2 | Getting Items IN & OUT (Minecraft 1.19.2)

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Welcome to the Applied Energistics Mod!
This mod is all about digital storage and is much more complicated to it's counter part Refined Storage.
Today is going to be a lot of information as we are talking about channels. Not only that however, but also how to use each type of cable to manipulate channels to power and send data as you like. What comes with this is how to get items in and out of your system as well as accessing storage that is directly part of your ME system.
Let's Reach A New Goal: ||||||||||||||| 48% ............... 12.2K/25K
Latest Subscriber: zultrack
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Mods Created by: raoulvdberge, theCyanideX, Darkere, Buuz135, hexeptiondev, Ultramegaaa, 19pixelsplaced
Support the Devs at
AlgorithmX2 -
Ridanisaurus -
thatslch -
Technici4n -
Gimpanse -
ramindzkh -
Mari023 -
DomamaN202 -
ItsSebastrn -
hexeptiondev -
ProjectET -
MasterYodAT9G -
Applied Energistics 2 is a mass storage mod for Minecraft that offers the player a network-based storage system, allowing them to store items and fluids on a massively expandable device network.
This mod not only adds storage solutions, but also devices that can be used to manipulate items and blocks in the world and from within the system, such as importers, exporters, external storage using other mods and more! There are also devices in this mod that allow the player to setup auto-crafting, allowing the crafting of complex recipes in a few simple clicks.
0:00 Intro
0:10 AE2 Power Storage
0:57 Quartz Fibre Cable
1:49 Fluix ME Glass Cable/ Basics on Channels
3:12 Colouring Cables
4:09 Smart Cable
5:24 Dense Cables
7:31 What Uses Channels?
8:25 Cable Anchor
9:25 ME Toggle Bus
10:10 Imports/Exporters and Upgrades
16:25 ME Storage Bus
22:35 Annihilation/ Formation Plane
All mods in my custom mod pack for 1.19.2:
This mod is all about digital storage and is much more complicated to it's counter part Refined Storage.
Today is going to be a lot of information as we are talking about channels. Not only that however, but also how to use each type of cable to manipulate channels to power and send data as you like. What comes with this is how to get items in and out of your system as well as accessing storage that is directly part of your ME system.
Let's Reach A New Goal: ||||||||||||||| 48% ............... 12.2K/25K
Latest Subscriber: zultrack
Get the mods here:
Mods Created by: raoulvdberge, theCyanideX, Darkere, Buuz135, hexeptiondev, Ultramegaaa, 19pixelsplaced
Support the Devs at
AlgorithmX2 -
Ridanisaurus -
thatslch -
Technici4n -
Gimpanse -
ramindzkh -
Mari023 -
DomamaN202 -
ItsSebastrn -
hexeptiondev -
ProjectET -
MasterYodAT9G -
Applied Energistics 2 is a mass storage mod for Minecraft that offers the player a network-based storage system, allowing them to store items and fluids on a massively expandable device network.
This mod not only adds storage solutions, but also devices that can be used to manipulate items and blocks in the world and from within the system, such as importers, exporters, external storage using other mods and more! There are also devices in this mod that allow the player to setup auto-crafting, allowing the crafting of complex recipes in a few simple clicks.
0:00 Intro
0:10 AE2 Power Storage
0:57 Quartz Fibre Cable
1:49 Fluix ME Glass Cable/ Basics on Channels
3:12 Colouring Cables
4:09 Smart Cable
5:24 Dense Cables
7:31 What Uses Channels?
8:25 Cable Anchor
9:25 ME Toggle Bus
10:10 Imports/Exporters and Upgrades
16:25 ME Storage Bus
22:35 Annihilation/ Formation Plane
All mods in my custom mod pack for 1.19.2: