Jana Kramer - I Got The Boy (Official Music Video)

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Watch Jana Kramer's official "I Got The Boy" music video!

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As a married man that has a past first love, I think this song is beautiful. Anybody who has a healthy relationship and memory box will tell you it's a beautiful thing to look back on and see how far you've come, how much you've grown and the important people that helped you get there. Appreciate your significant other's past because it's why you have them as they are today


I love this song. I'm blessed to get the boy and the man. I was 14 & he was 16 when we got together. We have been together for 21 years. This April we will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary.


I still love him more than anything else in my life...but I am happy to see him with his happiness...I just want him to be happy and live a healthy life... I wish I could send this song to him but it's not possible...so I am just leaving this comment so that whenever someone will like the comment I'll be back here to listen to this masterpiece with the all memories 🖤✨...keep loving guys and don't forget to tell your loved ones how much they meant to you 🖤🌹...


I cried the first time 2 days over this song. It sure does hit hard. He reached out after 12 years to see how I was doing. He's happily married and I'm just me


Loving someone who you can never have is a different type of pain.


This song deserves billions of views... So underrated.. This breaks my heart thinking of all the people who had gone through this situation...



I saw your picture in a paper
Honeymoon in Jamaica, she's a lucky girl
You look so grown up in your black tux
From a ball cap in a pick up, seems like another world
You and me and our big dreams, falling in love
We were two kids in the backseat, all fearless and young
I got the first kiss and she'll get the last
She's got the future, I got the past
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band
I got the boy, she got the man
Yeah there's an old you that I knew,
Fake IDs to get into those spring break bars
Back woods on a four wheel, hanging on tight
I can still feel my racing heart
And now you're cleaned up with a hair cut, nice tie and shoes
If things were different and I had a choice, which would I choose?
I got the first kiss and she'll get the last
She's got the future and I got the past
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band
I got the boy and she got the man
I got the first kiss and she'll get the last
We each got something, the other will never have
I got the long hair, hot head
She got the cool and steady hand
I got the boy and she got the man
I got the boy and she got the man


This lady has the most sweetest voice I ever heard. Love her singing!!!


My ex wife called me and told me to listen to this song. Wow how true it is! I was married to my first wife for 22 years after we met in high school!A lot of up and downs but I don't regret our marriage. Have 3 wonderful children, I was just a immature boy. Now I am married again and my current wife ended up with the mature man! True song!!


I got the boy in 7th grade, October 6th 2013. We were in love for as long as I can remember. Living close enough to walk, family friends, same church, mutual friends in school. We were high school sweethearts. He went into the military and we pulled through still. Sending letters, so sweet and old fashioned. We were on and off during these times because he kept choosing alcohol, clubs, friends, video games, and so much more over me and more importantly over God. It was very heart breaking to watch. I went to college and sometimes saw him when he came back home on vacation leave. He reached out to me while I was on a missions trip in Australia. Ready to get back together, get married and move in together. I prepared to be a military wife because I knew we could get through anything. But old habits came back in and I knew I deserved better. Now I watch him with a wonderful woman who is also in the military. She's the girl that took his virginity at a party in high school. (something he lied to me about that I am finding out now) But they have a lot in common and he's happy. That's all that matters I guess. He treats her so good. Just makes me feel like the practice girlfriend. Like he had the trial run with me so that he would know what to do in "real relationship". I know I deserve better, just wish Those 7 years weren't wasted. </3


Today was the first time I heard this song and that made me remember my first love, it was like a flash back from the past, I remembered when he realized that I was feeling the same way about him, his eye were shining so bright, he had this big smile in his face and he couldn't stop staring at me, he said that I was sweet and beautiful, he seemed to be so happy, and when we kissed for the first time that was magical, I remembere our hearts beating so fast, being nervous and the butterflies in my stomach, I also remember asking him what was he thinking at, and he gave the same answer every time I asked, "you", that was so sweet, he went back to his country and wrote me the most beautiful love letter ever, but we were to young, living thousands miles away, and it wasn't supposed to last, now twenty years later I am a mature woman, I got married with a wonderful man who love me so much, and I have a beautiful daughter, I am very happy, but I guess there will always be a small place in my heart that will always belong to that little thing called first love, I hope everything turn out to be good for him and I wish him the best, he will always be my first love and my husband my soul mate !!!! 💕


I keep having goosebumps whenever I hear this song.


After 22 years I was reunited with my first love and we married!! So I got the boy and I got the man!


This song means so much to me. My "boy" passed away after being close friends for over 40 years. His lovely wife is devastated, as am i. Cherish every moment.


This song made me feel so sad. Not for me but for my husband’s ex wife. They got married when he was just 19 years old. He was too young to be the man she wanted him to be. Today I have the loving, responsible husband she wanted. I feel bad for her. I’ve even heard her say it in her own words.


" I can still feel my racing heart "
This line hits hard!


I saw my HS swearheart right after this song came out. Introduced her to my wife. That night she dedicated this song to me on the radio in our little old home town.


I married my first. Did I miss out? Nah. I’ve seen everything. The boy who grew into an outstanding man who serves our country. ❤️


I've got a daughter now, and I'm with her mother who is an angel. The only thing I wish I could change is not hurting the girls who loved me before. If by some chance you see this as a young man do your best to be the best most loyal partner you can be because even if it doesn't work out you won't regret being a good man. But from my experience I can tell you that you'll regret being a bad man.


We don’t search for old songs…
we search for old memories.
