Kingsley's Adventure (demo) - random hacking

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Some random hacking of the PAL demo version of Kinglsey's Adventure.

* pause menu screen hacking
- save menu can be accessed in demo but cannot save
- one of the menus (probably debug menu) is removed, so what you get is invisible Kingsley sliding around. Talking to an NPC restores Kingsley back to normal.

* remove texture of ground
= crashes the game if move too much (as in, three steps)

* showing the hidden stairs behind a wall and then somehow lowering the wall by freezing some room ID values
- game is softlocked as cannot move. The room ID addresses don't work

* Kingsley's size
- the address for this is very close to the health address
- default is 16 (10 in hex). Highest is 127 (295 in hex). Anything higher than this creates havok as the game, as Kingsley's height rolls over into negative, making him underground and zipping through the ground

* Kingsley glitching around as a result of his size being too high

* just giving myself a preposterous amount of lives: 16777215 (the maximum amount before it rolls over to 0).
If I were to lose them all at 1 life per second, it would take 194.18 days.

* changing the direction Kingsley faces in.
A value of 98 completely turns him 180 degrees, making him appear to run backwards at full running speed and backflip forwards.

* Z-plane drop.
By changing an address value from 0 to 1, I go through the ground and my Z-plane perspective is dropped. It seems any value higher than 0 does the same thing.
Talking to an NPC crashes the game, as seen in the clip.

* a super high jump.
I activate it during an NPC conversation and Kingsley jumps high off frame before returning lol.

* bringing up the pause menu without pausing the game.
Now I control both Kinglsey and the pause menu cursor.

* changing lighting and making the NPCs all scaled up (Kingsley included). Kinglsey faces the camera and run backwards, looking very weird. Nightmarish.

* I randomly change an address and it royally screws up the game. Something to do with vanishing point? Not included in the video but I try to set things right by changing the value back but it hangs the game.

* I change the main menu cursor location in the demo so that I can access the load menu.
Unfortunately the menu isn't programmed in.

*I disablesthe screen transition as you traverse from one area to the next.
The transition value is 2. Freezing a value of 0 = no transition. 1 = hanging the game.

* setting a particular address to a value about 0 screws up the game's textures. A value of 1 especially does it, creating a circus freakshow of texture corruption.

Not recorded or included:
I found a few more things, some recorded and some not, that didn't make it into the video. They might if I make another random hacking video for this game.

* a demonstration of maximum size of Kingsley and +1 to the address, rolling it over. I then return Kingsley to normal size (16) and he is registered as out of bounds, and the game locks up

* I found an address that tilts Kingsley's head a bit. Freezing the value to say 4 and 255 (as I did) makes his head jerk on a tilt, like he's got a broken neck and having a seizure (a winning combo). This carries over into dialogue with NPCs.

* Some sort of superpower jump? Changing the value from 0 to 1 makes Kingsley run in a straight line before automatically jumping at a ledge or apex of a hill in a jump.
I haven't played or watched enough of the game to know if it occurs in the game proper, but I'm guessing it does.

* Exit to main menu via address changes. I demonstrate that quitting the game exits the demo, but changing four addresses from 255 to 0 takes me to the main menu.

* An extension to the disabling of screen transition graphic effect.
I change the address -1 and leave an area, preventing me from leaving. So then I return back to 2 and the game gets stuck in the transition's darkness. To escape, I press select to exit the demo.


The music is three unused tracks on the disk:
* Kingsley's Adventure - Crab
* Kingsley's Adventure - Sven
* Kingsley's Adventure - Sylvester
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