Pre Order Your Greenstalk Vertical Planter [Container Gardening ]

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More Wind Damage Plus Pre Order Your Greenstalk Vertical Planter Link Below
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Ivans Garden UK
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I tied up a tomato plant which had snapped so it was still in touch with the original stem where it snapped and it's doing fine. Earlier I put one in water and it grew roots and survivied!


Thanks for the update. Too bad that you lost some plants. But nice to see the Greenstalk is on the way. Cheers.


The wind has been really strong in East Midlands too Ivan. Lots of containers blown over but luckily no bad damage.


Thanks for the update Ivan, sorry you had some wind damage. Thanks for the link and thank you for sharing.


I wish I'd seen a uk supplier before I ordered mine from Sweden. I already have two Greenstalk planters and two more are on the way to me. Due here Monday. Absolute game changer for the way I garden in a small space.


1 of my vine tomatoes went over today, luckily no damage, Wind drys the pots out, good luck


Have been watching users of Greenstalks in the U.S. for while but have problems with eyes/ears meaning big balance problems so anything lower than waist high causes dizziness, sickness and collapse. Using 30 litre pots through Simplify Gardening on timber frames (container tables) so I can grow and harvest without bending over. Pleased to see Greenstalk over here at last but can't see a way I can use them to their full potential without putting them up on frame where wind and access make them too high or liable to blow over. Followed the link though and good luck to all involved.


I have a 5 tier GreenStalk planter which I ordered from Sweden, don’t forget to order the wheeled base and there also a cover for the top, mines just come today. I have all flowers in mine but next year I will do veg, but not tall tomatoes.


I’ve had a green stalk planter sitting in my basement for two years. Finally this year I took the plunge and bought all that was needed. Setting it up was the obstacle for me just in the amount of soil needed to get it put together…lifting the pieces to put them on top of each other wasn’t easy …I had to have help… ….it is also heavy to move around even with the wheelbase once it is together ….so probably best to make certain to have it in the general area in which you will want to have it and have level ground on which to stand it….oh and make sure you grow plants that like the same amount of water since the watering system waters everything at once. Had I known all this beforehand 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


So sorry for your loss with plants


I have four of them. The prices are brilliant. I'm living mine. I have brasicas and aubergines in originals and have strawberries dwarf Tom's and flowers in leafs xx


just ordered my 3rd one they are fabulous been amazing this year


Could you a small metal eye in the planter next to the obelisk and use cable ties or twine to fasten the obelisk to it?


Thanks Ivan, as long as you are still getting some warmth and they don't get blight those toms on the broken plant should ripen but if not harvest them into a cardboard box and put a banana in, the ethyline gas from the ripening banana will ripen the toms, I had to do that last year during the cooler and damp summer. It will be very interesting to watch the Greenstalk Planters in action. Take care and all the best. Stevie


Thanks for heads up on Greenstalk Ivan……..I have already got one and am impressed ….dont have to water it as often as my containers which is fab… the Stunning Stone…..looks great against my Yorkshire stone walls……think you will love it😀


How do you think those planters will stand up in the wind you get...


Try putting the snapped tomato plant in water it may still re root.


Can't you try repot ting the stem ..they do root really a easy as you know ...could be lucky if you keep it really wet...worth a try


For the tomato plant that has completely snapped leave it and it should grow some leafs/off shoots again, sadly it will be set back a bit tho. Just make sure the light can get at the base.

I only know this cause i knocked one of my tomatoes over when turning around and the base snapped off. I left it thinking i had lost it, only to find that in a few weeks it grew back. Now its growing some toms


Spooky! I was looking at my overflowing GreenStalk and wondering when you would have news about them as I want another one for next year. Or maybe 2 😊
