You REALLY are what you eat! | Hether Crawford | TEDxAntioch

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Hether shares her ideas for how we can change our lives via nutrition and committing to one small change in order to watch our bodies work the way they were designed to.

Hether Crawford is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Hether Crawford Fitness. Her commitment to health, nutrition, and fitness was born out of necessity after watching her son suffer from asthma and her daughter struggle to concentrate at school. Through simple changes to what she fed her family, Hether changed her family’s world, and fueled her passion to help others make the same changes.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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She was very clear that she wasn't an expert. She was talking about her personal life and the choices she had made to eat better and the results of those choices. I listen to a lot of qualified experts telling you what and what not to do, it was great to listen to someone's personal story of success with food and why I should do the same with my food.


You only have 27, 740 views either this is being supressed or 300, 000, 000 Americans are in denial . This talk should be required listening for all educators, parents and everyone that lives within 15 miles of McDonalds. Loved it .


This was very motivating for me. I'm going to keep moving forward to better health.


This needs WAY more views. This lady is a hero for families.


Absolutely Incredible! What an awesome presentation! And what a well spoken, obviously intelligent, speaker, and mother! Thank you!


That is why I chose healthier eating since the age of 18, and in so doing has been able to live a healthier lifestyle despite having Multiple Sclerosis for ten years. I am indeed what I eat and my body thanks me daily for this, as I am no drugs for MS.


This video speaks volumes! Everyone needs to hear this message. Thank you, Hether Crawford for having the courage to speak out and for making a positive difference in the lives of others!


She is so emotional. She is a good mom.


The world needs more take-action mommas like you, Ms. Crawford. Your message, just one small change, beats all those obese and unwell crowds in denial thinking they are the victims of genes. Take that one step, people!


I think this is so important to say, especially in this time! Everywhere you look there are fast food restaurants and I know so many people addicted to caffeine from soft drinks. It is truly tearing our bodies apart and making them weak and putting our minds at a disadvantage. It is so important to learn to live that healthy lifestyle and make smart and healthy decisions with your body. In the US alone, 300, 000 people are dying from obesity and if we don't stop the way we're eating and living it could get so much higher than that! I am glad we have people like Hether out there spreading the word and helping to make a difference.


I have found that everything that Heather reports in this video is true, plus...the food cooked from scratch is so much more tasty. And if you use organic food it is all the better! Thanks Heather for your inspiration!


This was such a great video!  Hether is such a passionate, genuine and caring person!  Great testimony and info!


Thank you, Hether!  I am spreading your words.  We have done most of this over the years, but as my children have become teens I have less control over their diets.  I hope "big food" is listening - they need to respond.  You are an inspiration!


My journey started with being diagnosed with hypothyroidism after 10 YEARS of suffering the symptoms. I didn't get any answers from doctors who only pushed pills on me and told me diet would not help. I did my own research. Totally changed my lifestyle to wholesome Organic foods and even household products and hygiene products. 3 months later I was cured. Now I'm in school to become a holistic practitioner and help others.


I can relate. I have dealt with asthma my whole life. At the beginning of this year I began my quest to avoid processed food, and my asthma has slowly diminished.  The majority of people get defensive when I try to tell them of them whats really in processed food. I think this video lays it all out crystal clear!


I am so agree & on board. Step by step we supporting our well being & well being of the planet!


Great speech and extremely important message.


Absolutely brilliant and I could not agree more, I personally gave up animal products 48 years ago, I have never been a drinker of soft drinks or alcohol and never eaten fast food, maybe the odd bag of chips/fries but at 54 I have never been on any medication or had any illnesses or seen my doctor apart from a broken toe ( this year) I have also raised my daughter (18) with the same diet and like me she has always been healthy, So I totally back what this woman says and it's about time more people listened and took action.


Great talk! I wish more mums think like you do - most of them don't realise the medicine they feed their kids are doing more harm than help! Real food all the way!!


Thanks for the wonderful message! I have given up high fructose corn syrup and food dyes. I have been clean for 3 years. It has changed my life!
