Be Set-Apart | Part One

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In your life, do you have something so special that you set it apart from the everyday things to use only for certain occasions? Maybe because of its amazing beauty or great value? Or maybe because of its rareness?

Leviticus 19:2 reads that Yahweh told Moses to tell the children of Israel, to “be set-apart for I, Yahweh your Elohim, am set-apart.” Yahweh considers His people, His chosen people, to be something of amazing beauty, great value and rareness. His desire is to show the whole world this set-apart nation–the ones whom He has redeemed and made as a shining city on a hill.

Once again Rabbi Steve Berkson is resetting the lexicon and making clear a concept that has been woefully misinterpreted and wrongfully taught.

00:00 Intro/What is ‘Set-Apart’?
06:45 The Law of First Mention
11:10 A set-apart nation
12:38 Yahweh is the set-apart One
16:19 What is ‘righteousness’?
18:42 A righteous remnant
25:26 Our behavior either honors or shames His Name
30:06 But He knows my heart
35:33 Believing AND changing your life
39:57 Return to me and rest
43:09 A lot of men out there not being men
51:59 Unclean spirits know who Messiah is
54:10 Who was, Who is, and Who is to come
56:51 A kingdom of priests
01:02:14 Do not do as they do
01:06:40 A picture of redemption
01:08:15 The unadulterated milk of the Word

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I have been doing this walk alone for three years now. I accidentally🤔 or not just found you, thinking I was going to watch another teaching. I have learned much in the short time I have been watching. You are a little rough and tough at times, but thank you. I for one need it sometimes. May the Father barak you and your ministry. I’m looking forward to watching the rest of this series. Shalom


Thank you ABBA father God I love you so much. ❤


So good, I loved times it was like a slap across the face but a good slap 😂


Absolutely love your teachings, such truth. I think your funny as well. Thank you for being obedient to The Most High, Yahweh and teaching.


Growing up Catholic I always wondered what "holy" meant. So happy when I found it meant set-apart. Now I understand.


First time checking your channel out, but everything was on point. Good teaching.


New series? Yes please :) 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 bless שלום


Enjoy this Seventh-day sAbbAth's gift of Rest IN Peace, Morning by Morning Womb!!!

Endure TO the end;
...Immersion IN sWORD Spirit and Truth withIN one, everlasting TO everlasting!!!

Praise TO the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah Sovereign, and all esteem TO His anointed Hebrew Son Yahu'Sha Messiah, our King, High Priest, and Intercessor unTO Life, Love, Logic, and Loyalty, for believers that "Hear Ye Him Only!"


Ναι, είμαι ξεχωριστός και διαφορετικός, καθώς είναι Αυτός για τον Ελοχίμ με έχει κάνει να ξεχωρίζω από τον κόσμο 🌎
מִמֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְלָכִים הַקָדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא שָלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם צֵאתְכֶם לְשָלוֹם


I always knew the burning bush I saw that was on the right side of Isa on the stone was the spirit of God in my dream. Wow! God was standing right in front of me beside Christ in my dream when i was 15 yrs old. How amazing is he? I am the most grateful unworthy servant and a believer until i leave this earth. May his spirit always live in me and his Angels always surround me. All praise to Allah! We take no glory for ourselves! Everything is possible through him. I wish for israel's pharaoh to free the palestinians and for the rest of Israel live in peace with the Arab neighbors and give them the same equal rights including the Ethiopian Jews. If you change you will have hope with Yahweh and your prblms will start going away. Free the prisoners and give them their houses or build for them the same houses you build for yourselves. Allow them to farm and don't deprive them of anything. And stop terrorizing them everyday of the yr when God is always watching from heaven and his books are opened.


Sacred spaces and Yah’s prerogative to give his authority and providences to who he desires..


Yah is the Suzerain God King over all creation and Yeshua is His Vassal King of kings but Yeshua is our Suzerain King to us on earth.


What version of scripture is read from? Thank you!


Teaching: Pursuit of Righteousness
Be set apart - remnant - not leaning in their own understanding, following own hearts & desires!
Not leaning on yourself, but on Yahweh in your action and truth! Not being done in a hypocritical way, but flowing in righteousness!
Righteousness is reaping what you sowed!
Is 17:7 - My Maker is the set apart One of Israel
Discovering your identity - was Yahweh's intent that all would chose to become Israel!
What Yahweh says would happen good blessings or bad things/stuff is part of His Righteous character!
Set apart - His Name to be set apart sacred, distinguishable & different from other things like things done like the world
Teaching: No other name
Honour His name or dishonour his name by your behaviour (true with character or muddied by hypocrisy).
When you claim Yahweh to be your Elohim - and your behaviour speaks of character that muddies the water by having the same behaviour that other people who believe in compromising the principles of truth with half truths and being hypocritical in behaviour vs speech (talk the walk, but not walking the truth principles) you are not brining honour to Yahweh's name that is distinguishable different by His people's behaviour imitating His character!
Claiming His Name means you are walking like Messiah Yahushua brining the names of Yahuweh & Yashua honour not shame!
My Spirit - the fullness of My intention!
Living lies are those who claim Yahweh as their Elohim, but disobeying Yahweh's instructions, living contrary to His instructions! Spinning justifying, rationally lying condemnation
Does my heart line up to with His word or can people experience any hypocrisy in my behaviour?
What is Torah - Teachers teach what the instructions are, if not done Yahweh sends prophets (sin is the transgression of the law) to get them back on Yahweh's way - doing His instructions or being guilty of the sin of witchcraft - disobedience - not doing the instructions!
When you have left the path of Yahweh you are walking in your own understanding, desires and your own way, no longer set apart distinguishable different form others!
Is 30:15
Teaching: "Are you saved teaching" series Look at this teaching to understand this verse!
Yahweh is openly and discerningly different!
Babies cannot be set apart, you need the strength of an adult to be different than characterless people and show Yashua's character demonstrating how to walk in love!
Teaching: "Do you know the father and the son" .
Yahweh teaches His instructions & if you obey He responds in loving commitment with blessings, safety and transformation into His image!
Teaching: Darkness to Light!
Teaching: Yashua the Light of the world.


If Yeshua states that I only speak what the father tells me, let’s us know Yeshua is not Yah. Yah dwells in His prophets and or His ppl.


47:35 I wish I found teachers who taught 100% of the truth. He does teach through the Holy Spirit or does the scriptures Lie?

And these men who he speaks through does he not anoint with the Holy Spirit ?

1 John 2:26-27 NKJV — These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

I don't think I'm ever gonna find a teacher who teaches 100% truth. 😭😢🤦

John 16:13 NKJV — “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

John 14:26 NKJV — “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

Matthew 23:8 NKJV — “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

Matthew 23:10 NKJV — “And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.


If Yeshua states that I only speak what the father tells me, let’s us know Yeshua is not Yah. Yah dwells in His prophets and or His ppl.
