Fahaka Puffer Fish Care & Tank Setup

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Aquarium Fahaka Puffer Fish Care can be somewhat difficult. They are super messy eaters so I highly advise getting a crazy powerful filter.

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Additional comments and fish tank talk:
Today it is as if overnight the anaerobic bacteria have taken off: these are not testing errors - I literally retested this 4x - and tried with a new test kit as well -this is 3.5 months after BIOHOME- nitrates has remained 160 despite all efforts until 1 week ago I finally tried a product called Seachem Pristine ( I’m not a chemicals fan) which is supposed to seed anaerobic bacteria that can complete the nitrates to N only. I was skeptical, but what did I have to lose? However- today- Nitates are down massively to 5-10, the other tube is 160 last week. Just had to tell someone sorry for the long post but I thousght it may be helpful info to anyone suffering in nitrates.

I started setting up this tank over Christmas inspired by the game Skyrim. Still needs some drift wood to look like dead trees, and a smokey background. I’m gonna put some more evil looking fish in there too. It was originally supposed to be a grow out tank for my fry but I couldn’t help myself. Any suggestions for stocking??

This is my Angelfish breeding station... RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of my livingroom! lololol
Hatching brine shrimp on the chair.. angelfry in the nursery, hanging on the side, and parents in the 65gal. Any better ideas for making this look better?? I wasnt trying to breed them. It was a lucky draw from the petstore, and it goes down EVERY TWO WEEKS!

Unless you're trying to keep as many alive as possible for resale (which isn't ideal since a lack of culling can lead to weaker species), I'd just let the parents raise the fry in the tank. Might take them a couple tries to get it right, but it's pretty cool to see and means you could skip the breeder box.

As for the brine shrimp, there are easier and more efficient methods than using a tank. You could just build a quick hatchery and plop it right beside the tank, or hide it away somewhere. Check out the king of DIY on youtube for a great little tutorial.

Both in conjunction work better. Excel is a chemical compound that your plants convert into usable carbon. This is then used by the plants in the photosynthesis process. The flourish fert then provides the nutrients that promotes growth. All in all happy plants. Excel has an unofficial use as an algaecide. I use a syringe to dose my tank.

So I’m interested in setting up a pea puffer tank. Can anyone tell me about them? I have a 10 gallon sitting around I’d like to use. Is that sufficient? What do they eat? Have any tank pics? Thank you! 10 gallons is sufficient for a pea puffer feed it blood worms add some salt they are semi. Brackish. NO they are not semi brackish at all, feed em bladder or ram snails and frozen bloodworms. Keep the tank heavily planted, you could put 2 in a 10 gallon. They are messy eaters so over filter.

It’s a sad day. Was searching for my spiny eel and found him behind the fish tank. Whilst I was searching for my eel I found my bristle with growths. He doesn’t come out often so I don’t know how long he’s had it. Can anyone advice me on treatment? I’ve just put him in the hospital tank now. Water changes was done 24hrs ago on the original tank. And haven’t tested my water yet.

Hey, Ive got a 65 gallon tall tank, I have multiple community tanks already so I'm looking for a stocking list of a few bigger fish or even just one or 2 that would help with fry consumption from live bearers, but I want the fish to be comfortable in a 65 Tall. Dimensions 36x18x24. Any Suggestions?

Ohhh, so you'd be putting the fry into the tank with the bigger fish? I mean any semi aggressive fish should be able to handle that. Bigger angelfish, pinktail chalceus, rainbow sharks, blue or opaline gourami to name a few. Then obviously any cichlid if you want to go that route.

So yeah, so Im looking to move away from community fish, im looking to stock this 65 with less than 10 fish, and honestly Id be ok with 3-4 if they were some more interesting predator fish that are ok in a 65G Tall, (im worried about the 3 feet of length) and im very open to Cichlids.

I'm not a cichlid expert but I think as long as you've got enough cover for them you could probably do some smaller ones like mbunas or fuelleborni. Firemouths are really cool and suited for an aquarium that size but I don't know how many can be in one aquarium together.

Pearl and Honey Gouramis are a bit bigger and will eat just about anything that fits in their mouth. That said, a few from each batch will usually make it until they're too large to become food. If you have the heart for it, manual removal will always be the most efficient method of removing fry.
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Thank you again! You are a stud and a rockstar for inviting me to the channel! Thank you for all you do for the hobby


Feel better Palmer !
Coincidentally my wife wants a puffer or 2 and now the research beings.. great timing !
Btw good to find some true and knowledgeable enthusiasts.. subbed !


Great video. Always enjoy the care guides


Re: tankmates: it totally depends on your individual. I’ve taken care of this species since 2001. Some live sorta okay with fast fish, but of the 5 I’ve kept, most killed EVERYTHING…EVERYTHING!!!! Proceed with caution!! ⛔️


Hey I bought the water pump you suggested for water changes, my question is do I have to fill it with water or should it be able to work right away?


I say a normal FX4 and a trickle sump filter will clean it really good. For as long as you do your weekly water change though.. I use python for my piranhas..


Do fahaka puffers like current ?
I want to use a wave maker for min
Idn if he will like it


What so you think of a 125 with a fahaka and molly setup. Would they mix?


Red eye, stop kissing your fish chris 🤣


How's you clean a tank fish that big


Another person telling people they should attempt tankmates with the only fish with Murderous Tendencies. We need too screen the people on here forming the next gen of fish keepers minds.


She doesn’t look happy. My puffer is all over the place man. I’ve NEVER seen my figure 8 puffers in a full marine environment lay down like that. I’ve seen her lay down in her rock cave before but the minute she sees me she shoots out immediately to greet me. Maybe he’s just lazy because the puffer in my bedroom is way more docile and just hangs out like that. Idk man I would check your water quality. I use bio home ultimate filter media in all my canisters. I don’t do water changes. 0 nitries, 0 nitrates. Takes a year for the media to set up but MAN is it worth every dime it costs. And it costs! Should really check out pond guru’s filter videos. Idk man that puffer looked unhappy.


Dude, you always go on rants about the most random personal shit. No one needs to know about your eye problems. If it was a one time type thing i wouldn't comment, but in every video you spend 60% of the video talking about your personal issues, and getting off topic. The videos would be a lot more professional if you just stuck to the topics at hand. Hope you can take the criticism.
