Reaction To Letterkenny - Hockey Players

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Reaction To Letterkenny - Hockey Players

This is my reaction to Letterkenny - Hockey Players

In this video I react to Canadian comedy from Canadian television comedy show Letterkenny and their funny comedy sketch about the favourite sport of Canada Hockey and in particular Hockey Players in Letterkenny Problems.

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This is the first ever Letterkenny scene before there was a TV show. In the show Wayne only had one sister.


Canadian here: 150% legit hockey player representation, they’re always out for a rip.


So have a look at the spin off, Shoresy. That’s hockey players


I’m not from small town Canada, I aaaam from Canada - but some of the best chirps I’ve ever heard were when I worked in an ice rink with hockey players lol


Letterkenney is absolutely, brilliantly Canadian. I recognize all of it. I’ve never played hockey. My late mum was from a small Ontario hockey town and I used to worry about her having a heart attack every time she watched my son play in house league OR watching Olympic hockey.


The Shorsey highlights are super funny. Tons of hilarious insults hurled at the hockey players.


In almost every corner in Canada there is a hockey and curling rink. Each small community will have one while you may consider a football pitch as the norm. It is very powerful in rural areas where hockey rinks also double as the social center of that community.
And do not live under any delusions, farm boys are tough. They have to deal with slaughtering livestock and do very hard labor each day. As the saying goes "work hard, party hard".

This can be inferred by our history in WW1 and WW2. We have committed atrocious acts of brutality and violence against our foes, regrettably. And those boys, if not for a war, would have been working the farms and playing hockey.


Best mens hockey game practice I saw was Canada vs Iceland. The New York Rangers vs Toronto Maple Leafs also practiced together in my home town. That's hockey.


If I remember correctly, those two guys were actually hockey players in minor league hockey. Some of the funniest sketches are the guys against the French Canadians.


I live in the town this show is based on. Listowel, Ontario. Trust me...this is EXCTACLY how they are. Jared Keeso (Wayne) played hockey with my cousin. He's a very nice guy. He also has a tv show on Crave called Shoresy. Its all about hockey players in a small town. It's the same type of humour as Letterkenny. It might tickle your fancy to watch it.


A Canadian classic at this point, the show is.


I come from a small town not far north from where this show was filmed. When I played hockey most of the other players were farm boys (hicks). They may not all have been the best skaters but boy could most of them hit and shoot hard.


Everyone talks about Canadians and the "aboot" accent and "eh, " but the region of Ontario where these guys are supposed to be from is the region where that accent comes from.


it's a spoof on the toughness of country boys versus hockey players. It's Canadian humour. Schitt's Creek, and Corner Gas are other examples of our humour. Enjoy.


Since you seem not to be offended by "blue" humour, you might want to try a Canadian duo of brothers, MacLean and MacLean who put out sometimes musically based material, but it was their other stuff I liked best. They were originally from Nova Scotia, but became well known in Ontario for being banned for profanity (I'm sure Cook and Moore's Derek and Clive were an influence), and actually winning court cases. There is a routine called "Hockey" on side 2 of their 1981 album "Locked Up For Laughs" where they do an impression of a hockey broadcast, mimicking the TV hockey announcers of the day, which has some themes which are continued for the following 2 tracks. There is a different version of the Canadian anthem included, because that was when the English version started incorporating parts in French. Unfortunately you won't get the impressions aspect of it, but you might like some of their other stuff.


You got to check out the "torlet" cold opening scene. One of the single funniest scenes from Letterkenny.


Letterkenny doesn’t need an episode with hockey players, because actually, almost all their humour is based on the kind of ‘chirping’ that happens on ice amongst players. Just go listen to Sean Avery ‘mic’d up’. Or else listen to any NHL mic’d up were its the best chirps. This dudes character of Shorsey is a hyperbolic version of what hockey players are like. Young hockey players have a lot of colloquialisms that older players dont even understand, half the time. They can be as hard to understand as some folks from Glasgow, LOL.

“Eh Bud, that jersey come with a clown nose?” — that’s an actually chirp, lol


If you watch Shoresy, you'll know that there is considerable respect for hockey players, and much cameraderie, but no respect for posers or those who treat their skating persona as some sign of being "better". Watching pretty much any episode of Welcome to Wrexham and the talk in the locker room is also about as coarse as it comes, so I imagine footballers and hockey players aren't terribly different, except that fighting is more common on the ice (although maybe that's because they're all padded and clumsy). In Shoresy, players are referred to by their (all female) management as "sluts". And "puck bunnies" abound.


OHL Belleville Bulls .. factory town, puck bunnys, flat top jocks always needed ego checks.. except Darren Mac'.. he was alright.


Check for clips of the Coach, a demented widower given to violent rants. I have had difficulty finding a clip that does him proper justice.
