NA62: Chasing Kaons

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Technical Coordinator, Ferdinand Hahn, talks about studying rare kaon decays at CERN's NA62 experiment.
Kaons are particles consisting of a strange quark (or antiquark) and an up or down antiquark (or quark). Understanding rare kaon decays will help physicists to check some of the predictions the Standard Model of particle physics.
CERN Video Productions
Christoph M. Madsen
Cian O'Luanaigh
Christoph M. Madsen
Noemi Caraban
-Thanks to-
Ferdinand Hahn
Flavio Marchetto
Airglow by Stellardrone
Daniel Dominguez
Noemi Caraban
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Kaons are particles consisting of a strange quark (or antiquark) and an up or down antiquark (or quark). Understanding rare kaon decays will help physicists to check some of the predictions the Standard Model of particle physics.
CERN Video Productions
Christoph M. Madsen
Cian O'Luanaigh
Christoph M. Madsen
Noemi Caraban
-Thanks to-
Ferdinand Hahn
Flavio Marchetto
Airglow by Stellardrone
Daniel Dominguez
Noemi Caraban
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NA62: Chasing Kaons
Visit to NA62
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