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The boerboel also known as the south african mastiff has a protective and territorial nature. In addition, the breed is exceptionally intelligent for a mastiff breed. Meaning it is a serious combination of brains and braun. If you are considering a Boerboel for your next pet here are five things you should know.

Boerboels are a relaxed and loving pet with its human family. The breed is also easy going with other pets, so long as their raise together and/or properly introduce in to the family. Be aware though, while your Boerboel is not likely correct you, they are a very respectful breed. He is not likely to be as patient with other animals. So be sure to alway be mindful of your pack dynamics.

The boerboel is an excellent watchdog. He is naturally wary of strangers. So you should be certain that you properly introduce any new visitors to your dog. It is also wise to instruct new visitors to take it slow, in warming up to the Boerboel. No need to be all in a dog’s face at first meeting, the dog will need time to be comfortable with new people.

Because the Boerboel is an intelligent dog, that is aloof of strangers, early and extensive socialization is a must. Earlier the better, insuring you a calm and stable dog as opposed to shy or aggressive. At 130 lbs you’ll be grateful for having a social and obedient beast.

The boerboel is a smart dog, that is self-assured and strong work ethic. It is extremely important for this breed to have a job. Jobs this breed excels at are carting and guarding livestock and property. If you don’t have a need in these occupations obedience and dog sport training could go a long way in keeping you boerboel happy.

The boerboel is not a breed that will do well living in an apartment. Taking into account that he breed developed on large farms of Southern Africa, you’ll understand the Boerboels love of open space. The breed will thrive outdoors except in extreme heat and extreme cold. The breed, should not be left alone to run on his own, outdoors or indoors the breed needs human direction and companionship.

There you have five things anyone considering owning a boerboel should know.
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I am from South-Africa, I had a boerboel named Nala. She was the best dog ever! never jumped on me, even when I was pregnant, she loved baby, and when my daughter grew up they shared lollypops. she never took my washing of the line and she took food from your hand so gently when it was handed to her. she was poisened twice and she just didnt pull through the last time. she was only 6 years old. I cried for days! best big dogs ever! so loving and easy to train. I once locked her in the house by accident, when we came home she was lying on the couch watching tv, I think she accidently stepped on the remote. she didnt break a thing in the house. I miss her...


My boerboel absolutely loves strangers. To the point that local street- and construction workers bring treats just in case me and doggo walk by. I can never walk past anyone without my dog trying to get a rub on his back. He even likes going to the vet because of all the attention he gets there lols. Amazing dogs truly


I love this dog. I'm a single female, live in a townhouse with just a small patio, and I'm away from home from about 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. I know they don't like to be home alone, so now I'm 2nd guessing investing in one. I do love how protective they are.


My son bought one, he just turned a year old and he’s 150 pounds, we love him!! He’s very smart and has been excellent in the house from the start!!


This is by far the best breed i have EVER owned, I miss Mufasa every day.


I can't wait to get my Boerboel . I ha e a Ranch in Northern Arizona and look forward to putting him to work.


I've had 2 Boerboels and they are by far my favourite breed. Extremely intelligent. These dogs just love to learn and their loyalty is immeasurable.


I had one, her name was poonki ( I named and got her when I was 2 years old) she just died earlier this year ( I'm currently 14 years) she lived a good 12 years, she was so living and gentle, miss her everyday♥️😔


The best dog I ever had was a boerboel called Majuba. He never showed aggression towards friends, but he was very quick to let strangers know that they were unwelcome. They are very lovable pets, but in my experience they do not do well with other dogs that they perceive as a threat. In the end a miniature dachshund was his best friend. Even though my dog had a stable disposition, one should be mindful of their impressive power and be a responsible dog owner.


What a fantastic breed! I’ve got a male boerboel aged 5 and here in South Africa they’re quite common. Built like an absolute beast yet they thrive with families and love attention. My boy Duke was tough to train at first but I think after about 3 years of age they calm down and become more timid in nature. He is incredibly protective of his family and does not like strangers at all. Huge caution when owning this breed they deserve respect, patience and lots of love. Don’t think I’ll own any other breed.


My dog's a Pit Bull Mastiff mix, and he wound up with a head shaped like one of these guys. they're good looking dogs, so I'm pretty happy, and it get's my dog all the people attention he could ever want, so he's extremely happy.


Boerboel are great, I've got 2. Jazz and Luna 🐕🐕 👍 These dogs are just awesome and it's amazing to watch them grow.


I have one in an apartment and he is happy him and my cat gets along very well. This breed also farts alot


Once a Boerboel always a Boerboel. They are the BEST watchdogs ever! I once was confronted by a criminal coming up my passage with my Boerboel and she let out a huge screech and instantly went into attack mode. He ran like hell and banged the back door shut - Only then did I realize what had happened - I immediately opened the door and she chased after him. He jumped the wall and was gone. Keep them inside with you at all times if you live in South Africa and do NOT allow them any contact with your maid or gardener, this is how they befriend the criminals with your dogs, while you are not home. Give the inside of the house to the dog as it's OWN territory, include the dog in your healthy cooked meals, make the dog your child and part of the family, build it's confidence, do not teach it to fear any human, share bed and table with the dog and it will defend you, it's food in the house and it's property like hell! -- This is all without ANY training at all! Let them RULE THE ROOST, be King and Queen of the house and you've got the BEST FRIEND, COMPANION, CHILD AND WATCH DOG ALL ROLLED INTO ONE. And don't forget, SPOIL THEM ROTTEN because this is a breed that ABSOLUTELY DESERVES IT!


My Boerboel's name was Zeus. I love that dog with all of my hart. He weigh 70 kg. He was so gentle and a great protector. Sadly his joints was giving in and he became lame in his back. He was 8 years when he was putting down by the vet. I cry for months. Still miss him. He was the grates dog that I ever had.


i brought my puppy to the dog park for the first time and saw one of these massive dogs there. i was skeptical at first as i’ve never seen this breed but it ended up befriending my pup and playing very gently even for a 100lb weight difference. the boerboel liked playing with my puppy rather than the other bigger dogs there.


Hands down the best, most informative, and well produced dog videos on the net. Looking forward to the Rhodesian Ridgeback being profiled one day!


I seen one of these in person. OMG massive, like a bullmastiff on steriods.


My boerboel Zeus saved my life on Wednesday. I was in bed recuperating from serious surgery, and Zeus was on the bed with me! (He sleeps there). I turned over and saw a black male leaning over me . I panicked but before I could do anything Zeus attacked him. Whilst this was going on, my neighbours called the police. In minutes the police swart security and neighbour hood watch were there to assist me. They are now in police custody. I'm OK just bruised feet from being kicked. Zeus is my absolute hero. I'm so grateful for him.


Safa living in Texas, and I would pay good money for one of these. Absolutely my favorite breed.
