BLS: Rethinking Mathematics: Online, Hybrid, and Flipped Courses by Sarah Eichhorn

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Recorded on January 28, 2014.

Sarah E. Eichorn, Ph.D.

Modern technologies are rapidly changing our instructional capabilities. The millennial students are inundated with engaging technologies in their social lives and are clamoring for similar engagement in their academic courses. I will share with you several innovative mathematics instruction initiatives being done at UCI to exploit these new technological capabilities and appeal to these millennial learners. The projects include: Calculus course coordination, online Pre-Calculus course, flipped class instruction (interchanging the lecture and the homework), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Algebra and Pre-Calculus, and public course on "Society, Science, Survival: Lesson's from AMC's The Walking Dead".

Come learn about these teaching innovations, their implementation, and the assessment of the impact on student learning. We will also discuss future directions and what tomorrow's college math course might look like.
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Please, tell me where I can find Mr. roger’s fluid class


Hi, I couldn’t find mr. roger fluid mechanics course
