I wouldn't refuse for even a milisecond Delta_command
I wouldn't refuse for even a milisecond
"It should've been mee!!" Ahh moment Ghostplayer
"It should've been mee!!" Ahh moment
Do you want another look? Yes, mam respectfully snipex
Do you want another look? Yes, mam respectfully
One of few anime women who can cook, clean, and kick ass. larryriehl
One of few anime women who can cook, clean, and kick ass.
I simply love her, she is my favorite CapitanShinigamiAndres
I simply love her, she is my favorite
She's one my favourite character by far❤️🔥 ullumhero
She's one my favourite character by far❤️🔥
Ichigo's a braver man than me i would have folded HayabusaNeoVI
Ichigo's a braver man than me i would have folded
Young she says... she's a grandma! joes
Young she says... she's a grandma!
If it was me i would say yes faster then the speed of light💀 hamdiilyas
If it was me i would say yes faster then the speed of light💀
ben ; ''he blushes'' YlijahBrielleCaponpon
ben ; ''he blushes''
Yurouichi literally offered him again and Ichigo still refused😂 Gdiydjlogvnuf
Yurouichi literally offered him again and Ichigo still refused😂
I would have replied in negative seconds TigerBeast-Edits
I would have replied in negative seconds
Muy favorita de este anime y la mejor : yoruichy shinjekyakerman
Muy favorita de este anime y la mejor : yoruichy