Why do Dogs get Zoomies? || Scientific reason behind zoomies ll Monkoodog

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Dog Zoomies!
The question must have arises in your mind every time that "What are dog zoomies?" "Why do dogs get zoomies?" or "Is zoomies bad for dogs?"

Well, Dog Zoomies are the most cutest adorable and safe thing happens to you dog or puppy. Zoomies tend to hit the puppies and young dogs the most than the older dogs.
Zoomies happens when the excess energy gets stored in the dogs body due to lack of physical and mental stimulation, which they release out mostly after the bath, at night or during the play.

To know more fun facts about dog zoomies. Please watch the video and enjoy.
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Actually, when I get home after a long day in the office, I myself often get the zoomies. As long as I don't crash into the furniture, my wife just lets me go until I'm exhausted and then I settle down for a belly scratch.


Loved watching all the zoomers, but the dog spinning on his ass made me cry in laughter!


Grrr (no pun intended) . . . zoomies are by no means evidence of a shortfall in excercise or emotional tension. Dogs might be domesticated but they're still significantly "wired" as hunting predators. For instance, their vision is biased towards tracking fast-moving objects at the expense of perceiving the detail of static objects: have you ever noticed how your dog is almost spookily capable of chasing and finding a ball while it's still moving but will often fail to find that same ball only inches away when it is static?

It's the same with their metabolism: a wolf, fox or dog fending for itself in nature will have to chase prey at least once a day and to do so they've evolved the ability to release a short, highly intense burst of energy: a sort of "two minute superpower". That energy builds up throughout their waking hours and it can't just be reabsorbed if it isn't used. Eventually it must be burned off.

So basically when your dog get's the zoomies your are witnessing its hunting spring coming unwound!

Final grumpy point: if you've ever seen a dog doing this, it invariably looks extremely pleased with itself afterwards :-) Doesn't that make sense in the light of my explanation, rather than suggesting that something is wrong?


the dog at 1:03 has literally got me cry while laughing. It was the hilarious one.


My dog runs or walk everyday and every day she gets zoomies


Heck, I used to have a dog that would get the zoomies during the daily walk. He was a husky/retriever mix. He would start by grabbing at the leash and we would psych each other out. That dog could move!


"There is no ghost in your yard at all" You'll have to try harder than that to convince my dog


My dog is usually having zoomies when he is about to poop or after pooping 💩


My dog does it when she gets really excited


Not dogrelated, but when I'm exposed to something stressful or new, I excitedly begin to shake or jump, to get my nerves down to my toes 😂


I have 2 great danes. This is a destructive problem


My beagle gets zoomies and she has short little legs so it's HILARIOUS to watch her try to run 😂


Great explanation!Can I share this on my fb page?


Why’s he talking to me like I’m the dog learning about zooms


My Boston Terrier TisSaAck was just around a year old a d She got a clingon at the end of Her bowl movement. She grinned Her grinny grin at Her behind... Suddenly She took off in a full tilt triple turn spin. I was worried TisSaAck would get 💩 poo on Her paws. She did not. Instead, when She took off at a full tilt spin, She dropped the offending clingus dookis made Three quick turns. She stopped, grinned at the now fully terminated and eliminated dookus reluctus, and then gave my face which was retreating from a look of concerned alarm to one of understanding and laughter, a big smile that said "all done Daddy, let's Walk"... (Key David Bowie's Let's Dance)Annd Yes She did look quite pleased to be rid of the reluctant used food as She doggy strutted away. Of course I had to stop Her momentarily at the end of Her leashed while I hand donned a pickup posse bag and did my loving duty to the doody.


my nine y/o Yorkie still gets the zoomies even if he acts like a grumpy old man most of the time.


well explained though, my both dogs do it everyday


Guinea pigs do the same, it's called popcorning.
And we do the stims


my dog gets zoomies when he’s wet from swimming
