Saturn square/opposition Venus in Synastry

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This video is about one of the most painful aspects couple can have in synastry. This aspect brings major lessons for Venus person. My question would be: is it even handleable to maintain long term, loving relationship if you have this square? You tell me... I would love to hear your stories, experiences...
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One of my very good friends has this with her fiancé. His Saturn opposes her Venus in her 1st-7th house axis.
They have been together for 9 years and getting married in 11 months.
She as the Venus had some doubts at the very beginning but she gave it a chance / worked thing through and now super happy.
So I don’t know about the square but regarding the opposition, I think if Venus does not run away at the beginning then it’s pretty binding and gets better and better overtime.


I have my Saturn square the Venus of person I truly admire. And even if this seems strange but this is the kind of teaching moments I really need. As Saturn signifies limits, restrictions ect. I've had very difficult childhood wich leave soooo many complexes especially in love. So it's hard to open up for me.
And when I meet this person and he shows some attention for me I can't accept this and don't know how to react openly. Often I ignore him. And only overthinking after all ends.
When he shows that my ignorance hurts a little I really start to work on myself and this help. So much joyful, warm time together and hope for more.
This helps me to open up for love and not just dreaming in my crab shell.


You described it perfectly! And yes I have it with someone I cannot forget.And yes it was a long distance affair. It's been years since and it lasted long.I was the Venus (Taurus) opposite his Saturn (Scorpio). As the Venus person I felt unloved, unappreciated and that he didn't take me seriously enough. So I left. It was very painful for me cause I still love the person. I have Venus / Saturn trine in natal. And we both have Saturn in the fifth.


I had a double whammy venus square saturn with my ex so we also had the composite venus square saturn, and we were married for 12 years. We had kids, but I knew from the beginning of our relationship that it was stifling and suffocating. But - it wasn't like that in the beginning, only after two years into it, and by that time you're so steeped in the relationship it's like moving thru quicksand. I will never repeat this scenario, and I learned a lot about myself and am truly grateful that I am not in this relationship anymore.


It's so true, I've been in this kind of relationship for 17 years. I am the Venus and he is the Saturn. Finally I am ready to let him go and it's so difficult to do so, I feel like dying and heartbroken. But I bet on the days when I completely healed and rebirthed to a new way of self love and self worth.


I think those who have Venus Saturn in their natal chart can handle it. Simply because they have been “trained” their whole life to deal with challenges and hardships. Plus they don’t know whether the next one will be “less challenging” (probably will be challenging given the natal Venus Saturn).
Those who don’t have the natal aspect will likely give up quickly. They just have not build up the same level of resilience.

Same goes with Saturn return I think. I observed those with a lot with a lot of Saturnian energy handle the return easier.


I have to say that I had exact opposition with a person that completely broke my heart, while he only benefited from the connection, but it was My Saturn in Scorpio opposite his Venus. On the other hand a person that has been nothing but incredibly supportive and devoted to me while I do not reciprocate romantically has his Saturn exactly opposite my Venus. So in both cases of unrequited love it was Saturn person experiencing the heartbreak and Venus person being unaffected or helped greatly by Saturn person. Of course there are other aspects to look at involved as you say.


Her Saturn is in Capricorn so it's it really bad, all my meals are prepared 2weeks in advance and I can only talk to my friends on the phone...once a week !
I've started having long conversations with the refrigerator, it's the warmest thing in the house


I had a significant but painful on-and-off relationship that included my Sagittarius Venus squaring my ex's Saturn in Virgo. He did not prioritize me in his life and always placed another woman above me. We were both too young and immature to handle a serious relationship with such a difficult aspect. Our brief involvement became binding though because we have a child together. It was definitely a heartbreaking period of my life!


Beata!! I was going to ask for this video. What a nice surprise given this heavy topic! I have natal Venus (virgo) square Saturn (28° Sag, so almost capricorn, in the 6th house). It is very difficult to receive love and any love felt (from anyone) and it is always questioned. As a child this is a really difficult aspect. This is where finding the root of your pain and developing self-worth as you grow is so important as you say. That work is critical in any relationship and these Saturn aspects bring attention to that and whatever needs to be healed. I think the beauty of saturn is that is does get better with age/time, at least natally, but I think with relationships too. With my Venus opposite his Saturn in our synastry, you are so right about the taming element. He may be younger, but can act much, much older and maturer, which at times almost encourages me to "misbehave" all the more simply to make fun of him. I think this is a playful energy he enjoys sometimes thanks to some planets in leo, but sometimes not so much. Of course experiences will vary based upon the individuals and other aspects they have going on and that is what people really need to consider, we are composed of many elements as individuals first, and although we may very much feel these dynamics, I do not believe we are ever defined by one singular aspect. Another example, my venus is also exactly conjunct his chiron (future video? ;)). It is definitely all the more painful for us both with his Saturn sitting across from us, but I am able to bring love and understanding to him at a very sensitive point and he does the same. From my experience, romantically and with family, both people love another deeply, but yes there is almost always a delay or some unavoidable separation (we currently live on different continents), an element of fear of abandonment (family issues, surprise!), feeling unaccepted (questions of self-worth), and emotional distance at times which really require the development of emotional independence and inner strength, from both parties, not just venus. Saturn is often in pain too, that is the problem. He also needs to learn how to heal and has been hiding what he thought no one would notice. Then venus comes along. As a result, this aspect offers a great deal of growth both personal and relationship wise, but it also requires the themes of saturn (time, hard-work, and dedication) which may be difficult or even unbearable for venus who simply wants pure love and adoration and less criticism or "advice". Any hard aspects offer up a lesson for both partners inside and out of the relationship and it is up to them to decide how much effort they are willing to put in. Sometimes this includes having enough self-love to walk away. Even if frustrating, I think the opposition may be less difficult than the square because from my experience there is a push-pull dynamic which allows just enough love to shine through at the right moment. With the square it seems there is rather a constant denial or blockage of love and affection. I would be really interested to see how others have experienced this and how the opposition compares to the square. Thanks Beata, as always. I left you quite the novel ;) Happy Holidays + Winter Solstice <3


I have Venus opposite Saturn plus Saturn square Venus in the synastry chart between me and my love interest. It is the most unusual relationship I have ever experienced. And it's not over yet cause we can't seem to let go. Honestly. Ask me what you will. Painful would be an injustice in describing it. Because it's better than that. It is amazing in its way.


I had my venus square his saturn and the reasons you mentioned are partly applicable. He had already 2 little children but he was very very affectionate to me. He showered me with romantic gestures. The main problem was that his family situation wasn't compatible with mine. So we split after more than 2 years.


Id say saturn forgets the good memories when they feel partner doesnt care. But verbal communication of feelings and thoughts of venus to saturn will cause saturn to think oh okay yay :)) im saturn hes venus, met long distance, lots of blame on social media you know the leftonread annoyance and misunderstandings really harm connection but if both mature then u will get past. Just be gentle to your loved one saturn truly doesnt want to live in the cold🧸 self aware saturn person needed for it to work out.


I have been Saturn many times in these relationships. I find Venus hard to love long term and get annoyed and irritated with them eventually.


Hi! Thanks for your analysis, I'd like to give you my feedback. You're right about Venus in earth signs. That's my case, I have Venus in Capricorn and I never cared too much about excessive romantic gestures 24/7. Here and there is ok. On the other hand, having Venus square Saturn in synastry with my ex boyfriend, there was clear absence on his part of signs/words/complements which could show his attraction to me and would make me feel nice and wanted. Somehow I never felt that I was his type of woman physically, he was often stern, cold and even surly when we went out together, as if he were my father and not my love.


People ending relationships when they see this aspect when there is No actual evidence of it in real life are completely missing the point!


My Saturn squares my husbands Venus. We’ve been together 17 years and I really care about him like so much that even if one day we’re not together anymore or I die before him or something I want him to be well and happy but it is true that I don’t approve of many of his indolences like he likes to buy too many clothes and chocolates etc lol (for me too and even though I usually think it’s unnecessary money spent and it’s unhealthy, I actually secretly appreciate him doing these things for me because if it’s down to me I won’t allow myself to have them. I’d just have the bare minimum so he brings indulgent things into my life that otherwise I wouldn’t have 😂because I don’t like splashing out on expensive meals out, presents, technology… etc
If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have gone to holidays or bought some nice things for the house … so although I criticise him I’m actually sometimes secretly grateful that he brings these things into my life. … 🫣🤔 although I still think it’s unnecessary to buy THE most expensive chocolates or computer… I’ve learned to accept him as I know it’s part of his love expression and part of who he is 🤷‍♀️ .
I also have Saturn square Venus in my own chart so I’m tough on myself too 🤨


Saturn square his Venus and moon. I don’t know the degree. Basically he ran away.


We have venus square Saturn (synastry) and the relationship is in fact painful very painful and yes lots of tears I’m the Venus person, but not bc of the reasons described here, the relationship developed really fast, I didn’t feel like he restricted me anything, he isn’t as touchy and warm as me but he’s not cold or insensitive. I do feel like this relationship affected me the most. And yes probably self-love is why I met him cuz he cheated on my and disrespected the relationship multiple times and I took him back everytime. He has venus opp Saturn in his natal chart so he’s kinda used to this placement I guess. We’ve been 4 years together and I this that’s about it I do love him but he doesn’t love me enough for me to keep trying


I’m so confused because there are COMPLETELY different views of this aspect from different astrologers. For Tam Astrology for example, she has this with her boyfriend and she even brought him on a video about this.
