1/8 Irelia with BORK

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but i mean, doesnt matter how many deaths its about what gold you have. Irelia just played it well, hit every E and weaved autos between each Q and barely managed to win the fight. I think azir thought he could stat check irelia bc otherwise he probs wouldve pre set a soldier to dash to


I hate the fact that I can kill Irelia like 5 times in lane but the moment she gets Bork I just can't sidelane at all because she just kills me with very little counterplay. But then if the opposite happens and she kills me once in lane game is completely over, really not a fun champ to face at all.


1-8 bruiser vs (not bruiser) in every scenario it feels like.


1/8 irelia also regarded as the best irelia in the world


Their fault for fighting full build irelia


Me ekko 6/0, irelia 0/7, 30 cs behind.

Irelia builds mercury and bork. Comes back to lane. She gets hit by my full combo including my R. She only used her W on my R(wich still does a lot of damage despite).
I even manage to proc the stun. Still have to flash out, i survive at 50 hp. She is 200 hp.

My jungle closes in to finish her. She one shots the wave, back to full health, my jgl has to flash out as well.

And no irelia isn't good, she is, like me, a trash, platinum tier, playstation 2 enjoyer who never touched Halo.
