Exploring: Montevallo Alabama - Great Little Town Has University 2021

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We explore charming Montevallo Alabama
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Thanks for the video. I finished school at UM in 1983 and had not been back to visit since. The red brick buildings are ever so charming. The downtown basically has not changed much. When I was there the only fast food were KFC and Diary Queen. The side walks, entrance arches, library building, Napier Hall etc... all bring back fond memories.


I went to school at the University of Montevallo in the late 80's early 90's....there have been lots of changes, happy to see it retains its charm


Montevallo, which is Italian for the hill in the valley. Originally called Wilson's Hill after the first Settler, Jesse Wilson 1817. Thanks for visiting us.


Unbelievable that you went to Montevallo, Ala and missed one of its most interesting assets! You need to read up on these towns you visit! You drove right past the school and Orr Park on the right! If you would have read up on it there are about 100 uniquely carved trees there! Very unique!!!


The best way to describe setting foot on U of M Campus is that you can't believe that you are at a state school. The buildings are well kept and very beautiful and it has a wonderful private school feel along with a very accommodating staff..


Thanks for visiting my home town. Please notice the brick streets and sidewalks on the University campus! The University quad (entrance from Highland St. ) is a lovely place to get out and take a stroll. The campus is really beautiful with old hardwood trees and several buildings that pre-date the Civil War. Also, take a drive or a stroll down to Flowerhill - the residence of the University president. Also, in Orr Park- which you drove through has a lovely area called Tinglewood- where a local artist made elaborate wood carvings into the cedar trees. Just a small tip: I think you guys might do well to research the towns that you visit- at least a little bit. Maybe stick around for an evening an visit a local establishment, talk to some locals, get a few tips on what to see, where to go. But thanks for the little tour of my town! I appreciate it!


Hi I love you guys at some point could you do something on senior mobile home parks pros and cons and maybe pricing


Montevallo is sooo Beautifully i like it


Randy here, Julie has some Touring, Georgia, Cleveland, GA. And Habersham County, GA. Retirement Area, Fieldale chicken processing there Also. Cornelia, GA in high Latino population. Gainesville Also. She thinks viewers would like to see those areas for Retirement. Enjoy ed your program Today, peace!


Great video grew up there. Why are you calling Montevallo a suburb of Birmingham?
It's 33 miles south of the city limits. I guess you could call Homewood or the old Eastwood Mall( demolished, I hear)the suburbs.
In your defense, I have heard that from other youtubers as well.


Montevallo - Little Mountain in the Valley
