3 Things Satan DOESN'T Want You to Know

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There are three powerful things that Satan doesn't want you to know as a Christian, since they'll bolster your faith and fuel your evangelism. Ray Comfort explains what these three things are, and then helps you know how you can go out and share your faith by showing an evangelism encounter.




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“Don’t pray for less fear; pray for more love!”


Oh my goodness! This is an answered prayer. I was in prayer a few minutes ago and I was praying for God to use me reach the Lost. I was praying with such desperation as it scares me so much that millions are going to hell. I am meeting with my Brother in law tomorrow and I plan to preach the Gospel to him. I was beginning to be afraid and doubt myself but this has greatly encouraged me. Please pray for my brother in law and his family to be delivered and powerfully saved.

Update: Special thanks to everyone who prayed with me . This afternoon my brother in law and I met at one of the parks in town and we talked for two solid hours! I used Ray Comfort's method to show him that all of us are sinners and then brought in the good news of salvation and redemption. I also shared my own testimony of salvation . Brothers and sisters the seed has been planted. May I please request once more that we pray that he confesses Jesus as Lord?
Thanks guys. I love the body of Christ!


Thank you for this Video.

I preached for the first time in front of about 30 people in the city on Monday as part of my Churches Ministry and I completely messed it all up and completely dropped the ball and this was the encouragement I needed to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep trying.


I'm a retired teacher, and it means so much to see older Christians patiently, lovingly witnessing to younger people. No older person should ever believe the satanic lie that their lives no longer have value. Younger people need our love, care, and witness. Don't ever think otherwise. Pray for all older Christians to fulfill God's plan for their lives' witness, younger people to be responsive, and encourage the young Timothys already working for the Lord.


I love this kid and his honesty. You can tell he seems to really be considering the words...planting seeds. May God send someone to water him.


Many look to be pastors, few seek to evangelize. Blessed be those that share the gospel and stay loyal to GODs word.


Ray: "'Judge, there's room for me to grow!' and the judge says, 'Yeah, and you're doing that, in JAIL.'" LOL! I laughed SO HARD at that line. Ray is SO QUICK WITTED! He's truly anointed!


It's awesome to see you be used by God, Ray. I've used your "method" on many unbelievers and had great success. Every once in a while I'll hear a young person say: "Hey! That's what Ray Comfort says!"... Thank you again Ray, for your videos and your devotion to God.


3:20 - “I know from Scripture that humility gets the smile from God. It pleases Him. He resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

May we live lives that reflect the humility of our Saviour. We ought to put pride and arrogance to death by the power of the Spirit!


He goes to church every Sunday yet is not born again and doesn't know the gospel message. Sadly, this is true in 90% of churches today. The church in America is the mission field of today.


Alle eer aan Hem! God werkt door Ray heen. Amen


Prayers for Matthew...sweet boy, He seems to have a tender heart..Lord speak to him, draw him to yourself.


I've been on my path to repentance from a couple of things and it's been somewhat challenging but I've confessed and trust the Lord through the Holy Spirit to keep focus on the Lord's Will for my life 🙏


*You're not reading this by accident this is a confirmation that everything is going to be alright GOD is making a way for you right now at this in Jesus precious Name!*


I have to always remind myself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” My Grandmother taught me this years ago, and later when I came to Christ, I am so grateful that He spoke to me through the living word the Bible! Thank you Jesus!


My Dad is Palestinian and he has been a Muslim all of his life, he has a huge family and I just wish he would Trust the LORD as his savior. Me being 15 there have been times in my life were I have prayed for him and then stopped and then once I got to see him after 7 years I began praying for his salvation again. I believe and I know that our LORD Jesus can save anyone even if it takes some time. I just ask for whoever is reading this to please pray for my Dad and his family. Even if it’s once it would mean a lot to me and unfortunately I have never gotten the chance to properly witness to him. I love him and the thought of him and his family perishing makes me cry. Thanks and Godbless!


Matthew, God is going to use you. I remember the day someone came to me and showed me the fork in the road. I chose the hard route of salvation. I know he has been speaking to you. This was a divine apt. Seek his word. Stay humble you can do big things for the Lord


AMEN The Devil doesn't want people coming together over our Lord Jesus Christ especially if those people know The Truth of God's Word and Character or are seeking after The Truth.


The more the world grows evil and moves away from God, the more the Light of Jesus Christ shines and the beauty of the Gospel of peace and salvation grows brighter each day...


Quite often still get this fear - recognizing in prayer that we need to rely on God's strength and that only part of the fear's claims (that we cannot do it, can't properly speak out right now, it's too embarrassing, too stressful, etc.) is *right*: we cannot do it *on our own*, but need to fall on God. Then we keep on truckin' and leave the consequences to Him.

I'm far from perfect, but Jesus is faithful.
