Refuting An Embarrassing Critique of God's Law

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Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we engage with a fairly recent attempt to critique Theonomy. Is God's Law relevant and abiding, today? Find out in this important episode.

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When people think God’s law is too harsh, they are acting as God’s judge and proclaiming God himself as immoral. Woe to the one who judges the King of Kings.


I have a feeling that if our justice system could be reformed and made biblical, crime would decrease so dramatically, that the harshest penalties would soon be rare.


Many Churches are antinomian today and proud of it not understanding the harm they put out. I hope you do more on The Law and The Christian as it has been very helpful Thank You


Joy if you’re reading this we love you and you’re so essential to this channel!!


This discussion is hitting home at the moment. A horrific murder just happened in covington Louisiana. Victims were elderly and one was a handicapped priest. The suspect in custody was let out of prison after 31 years served for a 40 year rape sentence. This was a horrendous crime.


I was wondering if Apologia would address Doreen's video, so I'm super happy you guys did. I pray God changes Doreen's and that pastor's mind about theonomy. My own pastor is not a theonomist and I'm also praying God gives him understanding.


Audio Begins @ 01:20
touch to go there


Im glad you are addressing this podcast with Theocast. The pastor in this podcast had a couple of episodes where he called Doug Wilson a heretic after mischaracterizing what Doug says he believes - after being asked why not interview Doug, he just dismissed the question saying there is enough information to claim the Doug Wilson is a heretic.


33:50 If someone unknowingly misunderstands you position, then communicates that misunderstood position to others, that person is not lying, they're just mistaken. (see 59:57 for an important caveat)

43:00 I'm not sure that Jeff's understanding of eschatology is the same as the pastor he's attempting to refute. If both pastors have different understandings of eschatology, this would naturally generate differences in how they apply God's Law to people today. It doesn't make the pastor Jeff is attempting to refute wrong by default. It also doesn't make Jeff correct. Indeed, both men see things differently.


Our resistance to accepting God's standards for justice shows just how ashamed we are of what His Word clearly says


When we say that there is “only” Autonomy or Theonomy, would that not be a false dichotomy brothers and sisters?


I feel like this is a constant debate, understandably so. I looked to God and the Bible for a "sums it all up" answer to the law versus grace, because it's constantly brought up in debates and study groups and sermons. Why do we strive to be obedient to commandments when we are under grace and if we are under grace then why should the things we do or don't do matter so much? But the clearest answer God has ever given me on the subject is the teachings on the bride and bridegroom. It's not just a metaphor for a covenant but a model for the relationship we should strive to maintain with Christ. Our actions and obedience aren't out of a fear of condemnation but a way to honor the relationship we have with our spouse (Jesus). We honor Him because we love him and want to do all things pleasing to him and right by Him. If we neglect the things that we know will please our spouse and intentionally dishonor, disrespect them, ignore them, neglect an intimate connection with them, go against their wishes.. we might technically still be married for a time (still be Christians) if we behave that way, but eventually that marriage will end if we have no love for our spouse and don't see the need for honor and obedience.


If we are not governed by God! Who are we governed by?


Our Christmas tradition is my Wife making chocolate nut clusters for Christmas. We eat a bunch and hand a bunch out. This year our oldest daughter called to see what nuts she uses, so I think we might have a full blown family tradition going. My wife started doing it because her mother did it.


Really great job, appreciated not shying away with what some might consider the “hard” things to accept in Theonomy.


I was listening to this while cooking dinner and my wife started listening about halfway through and asked, “What is theonomy?”

I said, “Basically, it means that the Law of God is still abiding and relevant today.” She said, “Wait, there are people that don’t believe that?” HA.


Law=Love. We are commanded to love, therefore we desire God’s law.

First we must establish that all laws promote morality and morality can come from only religion, therefore all people are theonomists. The only question is “who is your god?”

Second, we must understand that theonomy in a Christian context is often misrepresented (straw man) to mean that we would be forcing non-believers to believe. This is a “church-run state” and we do not believe that is biblical. There’s also the misrepresentation that we believe the state should run the church (a “state run church”). We believe neither of those things. As Christians we know that is not only a silly notion to assume we could force people into believing, but also impossible since no one may come to Jesus unless the Father draws them. This is a far cry from the accusation that Christian Theonomy would be like Islamic statism. This is foolishness and laziness on the part of the opposer.

Third, a true Christian would not turn to personal feelings to answer this question. They would look to the Bible. Here’s what the Bible tells us about rule of law on earth:

Jesus is King and has all authority in heaven and on earth. We are commanded by Him to preach the gospel, make disciples and teach the nations to obey all that he has commanded (Matt 28). The government operates under Him as His deacons (Roman’s 13) and must be deacons of God’s justice (therefore their laws must reflect true justice of God and not man-made). The law is a tutor (Gal. 3:23-25) and therefore to teach the nations God’s commands our laws must reflect God’s commands. Also, God does hold all people, Christian or not, to His perfect standard otherwise there would be no judgment. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.

Christian Nationalism is related to Theonomy closely. It is merely the idea of loving one’s country (which is really loving your neighbor on a bigger scale). It is wanting God’s best for your nation to make it the best place earthly possible. It has absolutely nothing to do with skin color or forcing a religion onto anyone. It is merely loving your own country enough to implement the laws of God as your basis for morality. This way you can have a whole country of people who love their neighbor and want the best for them.

In a nutshell, is theonomy biblical? Yup.


Is there gonna be a friendly theonomy debate in the future? I feel like Theocast should study up and maybe engage in one?


Ya I really liked doreens content but stopped watching because she disabled the comments especially being a new Christian I like to read comments for further information or listening to other perspectives as I don't trust my own discernment I really was bless by this podcast thank you for it !
