● Vidding is about... | | Multifandom ●

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HD + Earphones = *.* Starry Eyes (+ read more) read the description

Contest entry for the last round of the UVC Contest by Julia36229.
Our task was to make a video about what we love about vidding and why we do it.
Vidding is expressing my own feelings or those of a movie or show. It's making people laugh or cry. I vid for myself but it always make me feel great to see that people actually like, watch or comment my videos, because they show me, that I was able to make someone care or someone feel like I felt while making this video. =)

► Song: At the end of the video
► Fandoms: In the Tags "bar"
► Coloring: Mine
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this is so true! I am so addicted to vidding and I keep telling everyone it's an art but my familly for example don't understand. they think I waste my time doing this but it actually wouldn't surprise me that it gets recognized as an actual artform in a few years!


when I edit a shortfilm (which I'm doing at the moment) I have no problem at all, it's just about the continuety and the pace to make it work. but with vidding you actually learn how long you need to show a shot to make it work and stuff like that.


When I tell someone that I can spend an entiere day vidding without getting bored, or telling how much a song, its lyrics, reminds me of a movie/couple/fandom, they just consider me as the most geeky freak ever. Next time I'll show them this. Well done, it really shows the art of vidding, and what we are doing it for : showing our emotions, living them the best way we can :)


Great vid'! I LOVE IT. It shows what vidding REALLY IS. By this I mean that today, everyone is vidding because everyone else is doing it... But for me vidding is about Passion. Not about Fame or views or comments...It's about feelings, love, sharing something: stealing a coloring, copy&paste is not vidding, because vidding is showing what you have in your heart, a story you want to tell, I just ask people to be creative :) Thank you for this <3 (And I know I'm not a pro just a vidding 'fan'.) =)


this is absolutely gorgeous... that's what vidding truly is about. great work!


This is the perfect description of vidding!!! I love this!!


that's so awesome! I study editing at school actually. this is my first year specializing in editing but it's my third year in filmschool altogether. I have actually started showing my vids to my parents ever since I got really serious about them. and I think they're doing their best to appreciate it but they still don't see the beauty of it. My mom keeps complaining I should edit shortfilms because that's the editing i'll have to learn she doesn't understand I learn a lot from vidding as well.


I really love this, you know. x It comes up sometimes in my sidebar for some reason and it always makes me smile!


OH MY GOD. I am like... sobbing right now. This is utterly beautiful.... this is... this is PERFECT. this has gotta be a winner right here. whoa.... just whoa.


oh my god! OH MY GOD!
Seriously, right now I have no word. You telling me, my video is great? And what about THIS?! This is so powerful, so epic and intense. Your editing is so freaking AWESOME! everything..EVERYTHING fits so perfect! goosh.. this is seriously masterpiece! Love it! You are for me definitely winner! <33 STUNNING! <33


okay, i don't want to say OMG because the others did but sorry, i have to: OH MY GOD! i'm in love with this! the colouring is amazing, the vid so touching, beautiful and sad. and the song of LOTR you used is my most favourite song on the soundtrack, so i'm very glad i had seen this. thanks a lot! <3


I like this video very much.It was well planned out.You put alot of effort into it.Your mother would be proud!


Ich hab gerade aus Neugier "5 Facts About Me" angesehen und festgestellt, dass ich bei dir auch deutsch kommentieren kann. Genial. Ich liebe Englisch zwar wahnsinnig, aber bin ein bisschen eingerostet.. Nein wirklich, ich hab mir mal stundenlang bei LOTR immer ein-und dieselbe Szene angesehen, wo Gandalf "Flieht ihr Narren sagt" und dann in der Schlucht verschwindet. Und das nur, weil ich bei der Musik jedes Mal totale Gänsehaut hatte. Und genau das Selbe hatte ich jetzt auch bei deinem Video:-)


I really love this video it made me love vidding even more than I already did .. It is just perfect. Love it :D


I dont comment on videos tbh, but i just had to say this was beautiful. You have an amazing talent, and all your videos are gorgeous. I recently lost my mum, and your videos do make me feel ok when i watch them. my fave is the from within one..gorgeous. sorry for rambling.. but yeah


WOW! that was so beautiful and emotional, perfect


Wow this is beyond brillliant ! I swear I went through all the emotions in 1.31 min ! Oo


I just simply love your videos... and this one is SO amazing! :)
I really hope you gonna win. ;)


i have no words. this is simply beautiful!! and so true!! :D


that's awesome! film has always been a passion of mine, I knew I wanted to study it ever since I was 16, and even though it's way harder than I had expected I can't imagine doing something else. when you study film will it be really to make movies or just the theorie and history of it ? I think you're right.
