Deep Dive: Privacy and Security—What’s the Right Balance?

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The mounting tension between privacy and security hit another inflection point when the FBI filed a suit against Apple earlier this year. Although the highest-profile case to date was dropped after the FBI was able to access the iPhone used by a San Bernardino shooter, the larger debate between technology firms and law enforcement authorities over data privacy and access remains. Authorities say that encryption used by the likes of Apple makes it harder for them to solve cases and stop terrorist attacks. Technology firms argue that encryption is the only way to safeguard our data from hackers and protect our civil liberties. Skirmishes between the government and technology companies continue, with giants like Microsoft and Google in the ring. Where is the balance between our privacy and our security?

Julia Angwin
Monika Bickert
John Carlin
Neal Katyal
Lawrence Lessig
Jane Holl Lute
Morgan Marquis-Boire
Jon Palmer
Jeffrey Rosen, Moderator
Richard Wilhelm, Moderator
Josephine Wolff
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