Quick Tips For a Clean Home | Frugal Cleaning Habits

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Today I'm sharing some of my quick tips for keeping a clean + tidy home. One of my favorite mottos is that "Clean is Free" and by simply owning less, creating homes for everything, and implementing habits for keeping your home clean you never have to get to the point of frustration and overwhelm. Keeping a tidy home blesses those that live in it-- there is less clutter and less stress.

📷 INSTAGRAM @oldworldhome

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I’m older than you and aspire to your level of adulthood. 😁 Love this video!


My mother always cooked amazing meals...roasted chickens, roasts, potatoes always potatoes. She and my dad would (I know it’s icky but this was the 60’s and 70’s) would have a cigarette over after dinner coffee. Then BAM my mother was up attacking the dishes. She hated anything in her sink! I miss them so much... but I must say tradition lives on...my kitchen is my castle and it’s clean!


I do some of these things and my husband says that I must have OCD...glad to know it is normal. I am no neat freak, I just want a livable home.


Thank you for pointing out the difference between tidy and clean. I have a cleaning service every 2 weeks to handle the scrubbing, and sometimes people ask why I straighten up before they come. They think I'm embarrassed or something. But I point out that I'm paying them to clean, not tidy. And it's hard to clean with toys on the floor, food on the counters, etc. I learned this one time when I had let unopened mail build up, and I saw one of the ladies dusting my mail. Now that was embarrassing.


Many YouTubers have videos showing them dashing around their houses, madly tidying and cleaning. Every room they go into is messy-- but which could have been avoided if they had just put away their bathroom items once they had used them, or thrown their dirty clothes in the hamper instead of onto the floor, or carried their dirty dishes back to the kitchen. It only takes 2 seconds to do it at that moment, but it turns into an hour or more of work later on. That one-minute rule has helped me out immensely.


I love your wisdom! I got my husband to watch a few of your videos and he said "wow, Hillary is a smart woman!" I think so too!!! ❤️❤️❤️


We have similar habits but I, as always, picked up a couple new tips to try out! A tip to share: I start with hot, soapy water in my sink whenever I begin a meal or baking and clean in those tiny free moments. Makes after meal cleanup much easier.


You have so much common sense! I’m 67 so I don’t have little ones to pick up after but I’m trying to declutter everything bit by bit. I’ve got a long way to go but I want so badly to have a neat and tidy house. Yours is beautiful!


Awesome tips❤ You would have been a great teacher❤ I could listen to you forever❤ I have really missed your daily vlogs, ie, Vlogmas ❤


Great habits for sure. Some I've been doing for years. My biggest cleaning problem is dust, it's never ending, lol.


I have always run my household the same way as know it simplifies life and makes you happy


Thank you for the great tips. Your home is so beautiful, and I love that you allow your children to enjoy your home in their way, but then tidying is so easy. You are a terrific mom.


Some very good suggestions. I would add, have the children help tidy up through out the day and a few minutes before bath time. It develops good habits and teaches them to be responsible for their own possessions and actions.


Less is best. So true! I've been needing to clean my kitchen cabinets.


I love your idea of using old towels for rags. When we were first married, 37 years ago, my mother was over and my husband was in the driveway getting ready to wash his car. Mom looked down and he had one of our wedding gifts, a monogramed hand towel, ready to use to wash the car. My mom gasped and asked him if he had an old rag to use instead. He replied, "Well, how do you get rags if all the stuff is new?" We still get a laugh out of this! We have plenty of old rags now! Love your channel and all your helpful hints!


If you use vinegar in your Keurig, be sure to change the water filter afterward: the filter retains the vinegar and will affect your coffee.


excellent advice/tips! i like "little" things on tables or book shelves. i have no small children coming to the house so i don't worry. didn't worry even when my kids were wee ones...just taught them. but now that i am older, i don't always see things as cute or homey...they look a little more like clutter. aches and pains are enough as you age, but the little things to dust or polish...just a bit much now. again, you are inspirational.


I am really enjoying your frugal series. this month. You are so sensible! Your family reminds me of the Ramona series by Beverly Cleary...minus the naughty one. You always seem to be having so much fun together, and how wise of you and your husband to plan carefully for the future.


Yes! Happy Monday! Coffee and a video from Hillary! Best day ever.


Plus baking soda is sold in bulk. I buy it in 12 lb ziploc bag. So nice to always have it as I use for many purposes in house and with laundry.
