JavaScript Value vs. Reference (Primitives vs. Objects) -- Tutorial for Beginners

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JavaScript Copy by Value vs. Copy by Reference.
This is episode 10 in a 10 part series I’m calling 10 things javascript. Today for episode 10, we’re looking at the difference between Primitives and Objects. Episode 10: Value vs. Reference. Let’s go!
JavaScript Value vs. Reference from the series "10 Things JS Developers Should Know"
The topic of Episode 11 will be decided by you! Leave me a comment with your name and tell me what JavaScript concept you want to see next!
*** Announcement ***
Full JavaScript Mastery course is coming! Details at the end of the video. Sign up for Early Access here:
0:00:00 Intro
0:01:17 What are Values?
0:01:50 Primitives vs. Objects
0:04:35 The differences behind the scenes
0:08:10 Recap
0:08:29 Value Comparison (example 1)
0:09:12 Value Comparison (example 2)
0:09:58 Value Comparison (example 3)
0:13:38 Value Copying (example 1)
0:16:40 The End ??? Maybe not...
0:17:52 ANNOUNCEMENT! JavaScript MasterClass
0:19:54 Outro
This is episode 10 in a 10 part series I’m calling 10 things javascript. Today for episode 10, we’re looking at the difference between Primitives and Objects. Episode 10: Value vs. Reference. Let’s go!
JavaScript Value vs. Reference from the series "10 Things JS Developers Should Know"
The topic of Episode 11 will be decided by you! Leave me a comment with your name and tell me what JavaScript concept you want to see next!
*** Announcement ***
Full JavaScript Mastery course is coming! Details at the end of the video. Sign up for Early Access here:
0:00:00 Intro
0:01:17 What are Values?
0:01:50 Primitives vs. Objects
0:04:35 The differences behind the scenes
0:08:10 Recap
0:08:29 Value Comparison (example 1)
0:09:12 Value Comparison (example 2)
0:09:58 Value Comparison (example 3)
0:13:38 Value Copying (example 1)
0:16:40 The End ??? Maybe not...
0:17:52 ANNOUNCEMENT! JavaScript MasterClass
0:19:54 Outro