Ear Training: Harmonic Context Part 12 'Call & Response'

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Welcome to the Lesson Bank’s video, Ear Training - Harmonic Context Part 12 "The Call and Response" Video with Craig Faniani.

This is #23 in Craig’s series on Ear Training (in sequential order). It is the twelfth installment of Ear Training: Harmonic Context. You will hear 4 different call and response scenarios. Listen first and then respond with a set of 1-bar calls and then a set of 2-bar calls. If you would like to go back to the beginning of the sets, the time codes are below.
12 bar swing blues
12 bar swing blues with 1 bar call
12 bar swing blues with 2 bar call

12 bar swing minor blues
12 bar swing minor blues with 1 bar call
12 bar swing minor blues with 2 bar call

16 bar ballad I-IV progression
16 bar ballad I-IV progression with 1 bar call
16 bar ballad I-IV progression with 2 bar call

16 bar bossa nova I vi ii V progression
16 bar bossa nova I vi ii V progression with 1 bar call
16 bar bossa nova I vi ii V progression with 2 bar call

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