Digital Tape Measure Letdown - Reekon T1 Tomhawk

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Testing the most talked about digital tape measure on the Internet. Unsponsored, hands-on test of the Reekon Tomahawk T1 digital tape measure with built in laser wifi & more.

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This Genius Tape Measure Broke the Internet & My Heart
T1 Tomahawk Digital Tape Measure Hands On Test - REEKON Tools
Reekon T1 Tomahawk - Disappointing Results
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You know you’re in trouble when your tape measure needs a firmware update


Unsatisfactory reviews are just as valuable as positive reviews, maybe more, thanks!


When I go work in my garage during my retirement, I certainly don't want to have any more electronic stress in my day


Hey Chris, appreciate the review and putting the T1 through its paces! Undoubtedly there is a lot of work in front of us for robustifying the T1 and the software that runs it to ensure it earns its place on the jobsite. Feedback like this is certainly helpful and rest assured we are working hard to get this all fixed to live up to and exceed expectations, stay tuned!



I've seen it advertised like crazy and wasn't sold. I'm glad you posted an honest review of it.


The company states that live view will arrive in a future update, even though the option presently appears in the app. And like any tool, it requires some effort. One can blame a circular saw for not cutting straight, or one can set up a fence. So too with the laser on the T1: with care and experiment, one can really dial in its accuracy.

I have a couple complaints about it as well, but overall I think the T1 provides convenience and it’s been a joy to use. Instant unit conversion; using captured measurements in the app calculator; the relative feature when measuring from an alternate starting point; among others — there’s a lot of good to be found that justifies its value.

The price is certainly high but it’s also an innovation. The first small flat-screen TVs were thousands of dollars, and now they’re a couple hundred.

Standard tape measures (Fast Cap being the best) will always have a place, but the T1 excels in certain circumstances, like anything else. Just saying.


There’s no better review than for a product the reviewer wants to like and wants for it to succeed, but ultimately has to point out its flaws.


For Christmas this year I got an Apex Forge, which is another digital distance measure which also has app connectivity, but it's MUCH cheaper (more like $60). Instead of a tape measure it is an infrared distance meter, however the company also makes a few combo units that have both that and a tape too.

I have had absolutely zero issues with the software, firmware, or app with my device, the build quality is solid and I love the way the interface works, and how it looks like a chonky iPod classic with the clickwheel control, lol.


I have a very different experience with my T1. I LOVE IT! It’s worked so well for doing drywall and I redid my ceiling with shiplap boards. Saved me hours. It holds its position so well, take your measurement, keep it extended, put the tape on the board your going to cut, butt up the back of the tape to the miter saw blade and your cut is SPOT ON.

I will say my sight isn’t the best so I struggle to read a normal tape so this has been a god send. Yeah, there are some quarks but it’s so new.


Interesting take but honestly I have the same tape. None of the issues with the firmware or the tape working. I haven't seen that. I do cabinets professionally and I've done at least four projects since I've received it. It's currently my main tape and if something were to happen where to say it turned off you can still use it as a regular tape. I'm not sure what you mean by live view as in using the tape live. But I haven't had an issue with the app when it comes to a recorder measurement and someone else seeing it. See the app. You set up a project and then you record the measurement. Once it's recorded in the app, it gets uploaded to the cloud in another person can see it. This is sound like if you're using the tape as you're using the tape that measurement will change and that's not how it works. I'm not sure if that's what you meant. Honestly, I didn't think that these were all going to be the issues that you were going to have with it. The only few things that I say that resounded with me was he has the laser has to be accurate, but I don't agree that you can't set up a picture with it. I don't agree that you can't get an accurate location with it. For example, i used it at least three times to do a microwave installation without a template. I got perfect holes because I understood you have to keep it measuring tape straight.

Honestly, I think the biggest problem with the tape is sometimes it loses its place but you just pull the tape and put it back in. But honestly it hasn't been a big issue. I think there was an issue with your firmware which is probably why you got that error.

Things I like most about it is the ability to show center and inside measurements relatively quickly. Now that there's not a dedicated button, I don't think it's an issue because there's a flow. Once you get used to the tape, it's really just a couple button presses away. Again, I've been using this for not just 30 minutes and not just for a few projects. I've been using it for full cabinet installations and it's a little cumbersome because of its size but in terms of fighting centers for the drawers and finding locations for the holes for the bolts and microwave installation, Everett inside measurements. It's been great. Usually like your reviews but I think this one's a little bit off


FWIW, I like mine for the accuracy and the app integration. This reminds me of when PCs first appeared in the '80s. (Yeah, I'm old). At first, we just used them to speed up what we were already doing manually. But as we gradually understood their capabilities, we started changing how we worked as a consequence. When Apple first introduced a personal digital assistant device (called the Merlin), it bombed. Now we all have them... on our phones. Maybe this product will bomb, too, but i bet that 10 years from now, we will expect all tape measures to offer a top-down display, remember our measurements, and integrate them with some app (probably right on the saw). But there will still be a place for craftsmanship--I don't forsee a digital chisel! 😂


Fwiw mines been rock solid. Been using it every day for a couple months now.


I was going to purchase this, thank you for saving me the money and headaches


I would love this if it worked well! Thanks as always for spending your hard earned money to get to the bottom of these new tools!


I'll echo what a few others said that negative reviews are even more valuable than good ones. If I want to see someone rave about a tool, I can watch an ad.


I don’t care what it does, I’m not charging a tape measure.


I’ve been looking at this for so long thanks for your honest review


I had no problems with my T1 so far. Actually, wasn't sure I was going to keep it, but it does some things that I really like. I am just a hobbyist woodworker. First I love the big, easy to read display on top. Less human (me) error. Love that it can store my measurements. I've lost count how many times I've re-measured just to make sure, no more. You could measure an entire piece, length, width, height, and store them all, you don't need to try remembering 3 measurements. Also, it measures in between, front to back, for me that is SO handy. And of course, it has the App, I am still learning, but it has some amazing features, and it would be nice to store project details in the app. I have an Android phone and the App installed and worked perfectly. So far, the only thing I am not a huge fan of is the weight and the bulkiness, but I am getting use to that. From what I've seen about the features in the App, this would be very useful for tradesmen of all kinds.


I really appreciate your honest reviews from the perspective of a real home DIY perspective


I think you said it best. You wanted to love it due to it's features but it fell short. For $260 I'd want it to function perfectly as a rugged tool.
