The MG F is a Midship '90s Roadster We Should All Love

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Launched in 1995, Rover's MGF was not merely a response to the Mazda MX-5; but instead the culmination of decades' worth of development, leading us to a mid-engine sports car that is truly brilliant.

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For a young guy, who would have been barely at school by the time MG Rover folded, your research and passion is incredible. As an old guy who had the honour of working at Longbridge with some of the industry greats, I compliment you on the quality of your videos. Thank you.


I helped to engineer the MGF and I was fortunate enough to own the 2000MY British Racing Green VVC brochure car, bought directly from the factory fleet sales team. The plan was to keep it for a few months and turn a profit on it, but I ended up enjoying it too much, keeping it for a lot longer andI still managed to break even on it. As one of my late engineering colleagues put (referring to the engine and subframe layout), it was essentially two Metros for the price of three, but it remained a car that I remember fondly and I am glad that I had the privilege of owning one. Full of character, and so much fun.


Old British car guys are pretty darn lucky to have this young chap


I have to congratulate you Ed on one of the best videos that you have released. The history part is not only informative but completely relevant to this story. Your research and knowledge clearly explained. A top job sir, well done!


Lots of love in the comments for this video and channel. I can only add it’s richly deserved. Back in the day, I and family owned many Austin, Morris and Rover Group products, sometimes with a mixture of derision and incomprehension from those who didn’t know what innovative and often well engineered products they were. Many of the criticisms around reliability were unjustified. Often people commented who had never owned one. Not that they were perfect of course, but neither were their rivals at the time either. The best of them, in my case a 1993 Rover 1.4Si Metro with the K series 8 valve 1.4 engine, was a very fine thing indeed. Pretty much totally fault free in 63, 000 miles in a little over 4 years, that car took me all round Europe on at least a couple of occasions without incident. Certainly towards the end Rover were producing good cars, but they just couldn’t shake off their previous reputation among the general public. The media, as with most things, certainly didn’t help in this regard, as didn’t Top Gear with Rover or BL products often the butt of its jokes. Then we wonder why we no longer have our own car industry.


I had a 1.8l VVC version in British Racing Green. Loved it. I didn't think the steering feel was bad, the whole car was so nice it felt like an extension of one's body.

The K Series engine was truly exceptional. It sang!


Astonishingly good documentary in content and presentation. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this outstanding video


As ever ED what a superbly researched and put together video... Well that was more a documentary! and i mean that in the kindest way... The details you reveal and the way you string all the information together in such an easy to understand and interesting way make you the one to beat, keep them coming..


Every single 'snatch defeat from the jaws of victory' story I hear about the British car industry makes me so frustrated that they didn't succeed.


Absolutely superb viewing and brilliant production quality! If this was a mainstream, expensively produced documentary, I would be very impressed. The fact that this is a small-scale YouTube production is absolutely incredible…thanks, well done and keep them coming!


Really interesting. As others have said, thoroughly researched, and well presented. No gimmicks, just great content. Thankyou!


Another masterclass in content and presentation.


This is the best MGF documentary ever made.


Great watch so far, it's 12:10AM here. Time to hit the hay, will finish in the morning.


My son has an 02 plate MG TF and he absolutely loves it. Especially as it's a beautiful green one. It is a really under-rated little sports car.


Congratulations - that was a great combination of history and technical details - just right!


I sat down with a cup of tea before starting a busy Saturday, and ended up watching this full video! Really excellent! I love the deep dig into the history. While I have never been in a MG F, I have always wondered why they are so under appreciated. Anyway, excellent video! Really enjoyed it.


A continuing shed load of praise from the beautiful North England Pennines! What great way to start the day than a return to the regularity of expert Twin Cam and Ed, Brilliandt, Ed! It's like the doc has renewed by energy and emotional, motorised fun prescription. Thank you. Rob


I drove a MGTF all around Europe visiting 10 countries and covering over 5, 000 miles best trip of my life


Excellently researched and put together. You do this very well
