Sarasota County neighborhood is still suffering with flood water and wondering when help will come

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Prayers to all that have been affected by this storm. 🙏❤️🙏


If you cannot assure proper draining the allotment is not built no matter the potential tax gain


It is very strange that sheriffs aren't there or some LE presence.


I've lived in Florida my whole life and if you think our government is going to help you with storm damage think again. We have the highest insurance rates and the worst coverage. There are people still fighting for insurance settlements from Ian and you have to hire an adjuster who takes 10 percent of your settlement! Desantis took in millions for his PAC from insurance companies and he has done very little to help hard working Floridians.
Ive had homes damaged from hurricanes and I had to do all the work, etc.


Debby hit North Carolina this Thursday with flooding and power outages across the state. A tornado struck Wilson County damaging ten homes, a middle school, and a historic church. Tragically a 60 year old man died when his house collapsed on him. A roof was ripped off at the Wilson County school and there was extensive damage to a couple of wings of the school. Governor Roy Cooper surveyed the damage at the Wilson County School. If that wasn't enough, five people were killed in a fiery tractor trailer crash on I-95 in Wilson County. A driver of the offending trailer was arrested and charged with misdemeanor death causation. In my home county Chatham County, in the center of the state, power outages were prevalent throughout the county. Luckily I was without power for only three hours this morning in Pittsboro. A large tree fell across the main street north, that is Hillsboro St., making the street impassible all afternoon. The town sealed off the road until early this evening when cleanup crews removed the tree. No flooding happened in Pittsboro. In Raleigh, three children had to be rescued by first responders when the children got caught in rising waters in a creek.The Raleigh TV station WRAL ran a story on the rescue. All three children were interviewed as they gave their story on becoming stranded, hanging on a tree limb in the creek's rushing waters. Everybody had their picture taken after the rescue effort was successfully completed. It looked like a festive family gathering. A somewhat strange storm. At 1:00 o'clock high winds and torrential rain scoured Pittsboro for about 45 minutes. By 2:30 the sky was blue with clouds occasionally passing by overhead, with sunshine. And no wind. A quiet and still atmosphere. Then an hour later, heavy showers once returned. Here at 1:00 a.m. the storm is pretty much over for Chatham County. Luckily it did not turn out so bad after all.


Using FEMA money to rebuild in these disaster _guaranteed_ areas is ridiculous. This will just keep happening.


I live here. The county, state and Fema are not gonna do 1 thing to help, except tell us they are gonna help, but will do nothing.


This from 2003. I can only imagine how much more and how much lower in elevation they have built since:

A series of severe thunderstorms
brought heavy rainfall and flooding to
southwest central Florida during June 21 -
24, 2003. The storms and result

ant precipitation were caused by
a late-season stationary cool
front (Canadian high pressure
ridge) that combined with tropi
cal moisture from the Gulf
of Mexico to produce above
normal rainfall over already
saturated ground (National
Weather Service, writlen com
mun., 2003). Rainfall totals at
U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) streamflow-gaging sta
tions ranged from 9 to 17 inches
and record flooding occurred in
parts of Charlotte, De Soto,
Hardee, Manatee, and Sarasota
Counties, Florida (fig. 1). The
floods caused $11.3 million in
damage to public and private
properly, including damage or
destruction of 119 homes
(Binette and Saewitz, 2003).


Does this mean that their taxes will go down now since the houses are now in a flood zone?


Sarasota County isnt doing SHIT for their people


County should be sending sand bags for these people help block water from continue to destroy homes


Elevation of a property is like displacement of engine. There is no replacement for displacement.


Got to think of the solution, not just the problem. What can be done in 5 years, 10 years to prevent this? They could create giant boring mechanical machines that can keep digging and digging a new area that would become a reservoir. They might take a couple of days to have an effect, but they probably would.


Living in Florida without flood insurance is like living on the moon without oxygen.


No one is looting a waste high flooded home. Give it up


Why are these folks acting surprised and looking for a fall guy? They need bigger mirrors.


Wilson Mary Hernandez Carol Hernandez Thomas


Google The County you live in Topographical map. The entire Sarasota County is in bright green which is only like 30-40 feet above sea level. Not good at all. Then you have entire new developments built where the houses aren't at least 3 feet above the street level. Disaster in the making. Look at any old house in Fla like my 1955 house. It sits way above the street level and even the garage floor is fairly steeply graded to run water out it down the driveway. New homes have a level garage floor. Old home builders knew what they were doing. Now we just live in denial and are shocked when this happens. Want to blame blame someone blame county inspectors that approved this construction of this disastrous neighborhood. Not a thought given to massive run off. Laurel Meadow used to be just that...a meadow. Now its concrete. I wouldn't move back into any of these houses its just going to happen over and over. Sorry.


0 pity for the rich and well off, dont like it? Move! If you can afford a home in the nice part of Sarasota, sell and move


An investigation of what. You are 16 ft above mean sea level. Stop stating you do not live in a flood zone. Ffs people are dense.
