Phytoremediation | Wikipedia audio article

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00:01:20 1 Application
00:02:54 2 Advantages and limitations
00:04:38 3 Case studies
00:04:47 3.1 Heavy metal remediation with iFicus microcarpa Field Scale Experiment/i
00:05:40 3.2 Kaltag School oil seep (Alaska)
00:06:16 4 Processes
00:06:31 4.1 Phytoextraction
00:10:18 4.2 Phytostabilization
00:11:26 4.3 Phytodegradation
00:15:05 4.4 Phytostimulation
00:16:04 4.5 Phytovolatilization
00:16:59 4.6 Rhizofiltration
00:17:37 4.7 Biological hydraulic containment
00:18:01 4.8 Phytodesalination
00:18:18 5 Role of genetics
00:19:24 6 Hyperaccumulators and biotic interactions
00:20:19 6.1 Tables of hyperaccumulators
00:20:53 7 Phytoscreening
00:21:41 8 See also
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Speaking Rate: 0.9959686960443344
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-A
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
Phytoremediation /ˌfaɪtəʊrɪˌmiːdɪˈeɪʃən/ (from Ancient Greek φυτό (phyto), meaning 'plant', and Latin remedium, meaning 'restoring balance') refers to the technologies that use living plants to clean up soil, air, and water contaminated with hazardous contaminants. It is defined as "the use of green plants and the associated microorganisms, along with proper soil amendments and agronomic techniques to either contain, remove or render toxic environmental contaminants harmless".Phytoremediation is a cost-effective plant-based approach of remediation that takes advantage of the ability of plants to concentrate elements and compounds from the environment and to metabolize various molecules in their tissues. It refers to the natural ability of certain plants called hyperaccumulators to bioaccumulate, degrade, or render harmless contaminants in soils, water, or air. Toxic heavy metals and organic pollutants are the major targets for phytoremediation. Knowledge of the physiological and molecular mechanisms of phytoremediation began to emerge in recent years together with biological and engineering strategies designed to optimize and improve phytoremediation. In addition, several field trials confirmed the feasibility of using plants for environmental cleanup.
00:01:20 1 Application
00:02:54 2 Advantages and limitations
00:04:38 3 Case studies
00:04:47 3.1 Heavy metal remediation with iFicus microcarpa Field Scale Experiment/i
00:05:40 3.2 Kaltag School oil seep (Alaska)
00:06:16 4 Processes
00:06:31 4.1 Phytoextraction
00:10:18 4.2 Phytostabilization
00:11:26 4.3 Phytodegradation
00:15:05 4.4 Phytostimulation
00:16:04 4.5 Phytovolatilization
00:16:59 4.6 Rhizofiltration
00:17:37 4.7 Biological hydraulic containment
00:18:01 4.8 Phytodesalination
00:18:18 5 Role of genetics
00:19:24 6 Hyperaccumulators and biotic interactions
00:20:19 6.1 Tables of hyperaccumulators
00:20:53 7 Phytoscreening
00:21:41 8 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9959686960443344
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-A
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
Phytoremediation /ˌfaɪtəʊrɪˌmiːdɪˈeɪʃən/ (from Ancient Greek φυτό (phyto), meaning 'plant', and Latin remedium, meaning 'restoring balance') refers to the technologies that use living plants to clean up soil, air, and water contaminated with hazardous contaminants. It is defined as "the use of green plants and the associated microorganisms, along with proper soil amendments and agronomic techniques to either contain, remove or render toxic environmental contaminants harmless".Phytoremediation is a cost-effective plant-based approach of remediation that takes advantage of the ability of plants to concentrate elements and compounds from the environment and to metabolize various molecules in their tissues. It refers to the natural ability of certain plants called hyperaccumulators to bioaccumulate, degrade, or render harmless contaminants in soils, water, or air. Toxic heavy metals and organic pollutants are the major targets for phytoremediation. Knowledge of the physiological and molecular mechanisms of phytoremediation began to emerge in recent years together with biological and engineering strategies designed to optimize and improve phytoremediation. In addition, several field trials confirmed the feasibility of using plants for environmental cleanup.