💰 How To Save $6000 (like actually) | Aja Dang | Savings Plan

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In this video, I'm showing you two different ways to save $6000. 6k is a large amount of money to save, and that's the point. With my step-by-step guide, you'll be do it! This is NOT a fast way to save money, but it's a consistent way. Learn how to save money, build financial health, and reach your financial goals.

Whether you're just starting to build your financial foundation or looking to improve your current financial situation, these are the only two ways to save money. With the right mindset and actions, you can take control of your finances and build a secure future for yourself. Let's get started on the path to financial success together!


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#howtosavemoney #howtobuildwealth #moneysavingtips
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All this financial content are making me super happy ❤️


I'm currently saving to pay off my student loans which is $32, 888.52. I don't have to make payments, so I'm just direct deposing it into a HYSA with my second job paycheck as well as any tips that I make. I currently have $14, 327.07 save and I wish to pay it off before my 35th birthday in October. I average $1, 500 a month with that job, so to achieve this goal I know I will have to pick up a few extra shifts. I could also use my main job to contribute a little. So, I'll need $2, 600 at least a month to pay off my loans. I didn't factor in my tips or my earnings from the hysa. Fingers crossed I get it done without burning out. 😉😊


My short term goals are to get my emergency fund to 10K (halfway there), save 5K for my 40th birthday trip (halfway there) and 2K for my bucket list (just started, no timeline really on this).
Medium term goals are to save more towards my bucket list (not sure yet how much), invest more in my retirement savings, get my emergency fund to 20K and maybe already pay back my mortgage in full within 5 years.
Long term goals: put enough into retirement to be able to retire faster.


I just created a savings and debt repayment plan and I have to say the hardest part is patience and consistency. Thank you for the reminder that although it’s not easy, it’s doable.


I’m saving for taxes 😭 $2500 = $500/week every week of March on DoorDash during the weekends so my regular full-time income can remain committed to its current goals. I can do it!!😅


I did this exact method last year to coincidentally save $6, 000 last year to put towards a future house down payment. It really gives you peace of mind when there is a plan!


My goal is to build my emergency fund back up= $11, 000 (18% of the way there) but I'm prioritizing paying off my student loans which should be paid off by the midway point of April 🤞🏾


Ever since you introduced me to flow charts I use them all the time. Im saving for a year for my 2 main goals Pay my car off for $3000 =$250 a month and Moving Fund $6000=$500 a month. Also looking to increase my income and go back to school in that same time frame 😭🤓


I spend $3600 per month in a LCOL area. I invest twice that amount per month, have two dogs, a cat, and a horse. Once I left NYC saving money became A BREEZE.


As a viewer that’s on this side of finance YouTube I can assure you you weren’t going too fast 😅 and thank you so much for sitting down and putting this into our minds and in perspective for us!! Yes it’s so much easier said than done but it feels great to finally face the fears and start chipping away at them. Love the video as always 🧸🌸🎀🩷💕


thank you sm for this! i've been following your videos since you were still paying off your school debt and i appreciate the knowledge you share about financial literacy and just being realistic with money!


I'm trying to save $5k for a Scotland trip in March 2025 so 12 months = about $416/month.


This video came at the right time for me, I’ve just booked my first (and probably only) trip to Las Vegas from Ireland for myself and my boyfriend!🎉🎉🎉 This is going to be amazing for helping me save my spending money! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Liking and commenting to get the engagement up, because this video is fire!🔥


I am saving for a greenhouse/orangery, a cuttinggarden infront and a stone wall on one side. The other side already has a stone wall. I think we can build the wall in a year and the house in 4 to 5 years. The cutting garden will be build as extra money comes in between when the wall is done and the house is build. I drew a glass jar with 500 for each month/ payment. We just finished saving for an elektric car and for that I drew a car with 1000 for each part! So fun! All inspired by you! 🙏👏💫


Loved this vid - youre the only financial content creator I know who makes content thats helpful for folks TODAY and in real life, not just conceptually or hypothetically. ❤


I’m 36 I started at 33 to save for my 40 😂, been able to saved a little over 3 k a year.
So far so good.


Thank you for the tips and the visual aide to show the breakdown, much appreciated Aja😊🎉


My goal is to save up enough to fly comfortably back home to Hawai'i next summer to celebrate my baby brother's Kahuku high school graduation!


I just finished paying off my debt, so this vid just dropped in time for me to continue consistently put what was my former monthly debt payment as my now hysa monthly amount. It's going to take me 4 years to fully fund my emergency account of 24k.
