Understand Zionism - Israel Masterclass: Session 4

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Zionism is a controversial, lighting-rod topic in the world today. There are many types of Zionism, from secular to religious to Islamic (yep!) It can be simply defined as the movement of the Jewish people returning to their ancestral homeland (Israel) to live in control of their own destiny as a nation. But what does the Bible have to say? Did Jesus Himself ever mention Zionism? In this Israel Masterclass session, Gateway Center for Israel Executive Director Nic Lesmeister examines the biblical meaning as it pertains to the Land of Israel. From Abraham to today's modern state, Nic dives into the history of the Jewish people's journey to be regathered to this physical land unconditionally promised to them by God -- which will ultimately lead to Israel's deliverance, redemption, and God's glory being revealed to all the earth.

0:00 Intro
1:58 What is Zionism?
2:40 Types of Zionism
3:17 The word 'Zion' in Hebrew
3:46 Zion is a place
4:02 Anti-Zionism
4:21 God's promise to Abraham
5:18 Covenantal promises including the land
5:50 Christianity's views on land
6:38 Covenant & place are intertwined
7:44 The land is an unconditional promise
8:34 God wants nations
9:02 The promise of the land vs. the possession of the land
10:10 Every exile contains a promise to return
10:26 Does Jesus talk about the land?
11:37 The Sermon on the Mount & the land
12:51 The salt of the land
13:32 Land in Jesus' prayer
14:14 Where we reside on earth matters
15:03 The surprising truth about the gospel in Acts
16:35 The gospel returns to Jerusalem 6 times
16:59 Where Jesus will return
17:28 Rome renames Israel
18:02 Jewish people return in the late 1800's - early 1900's
20:23 Is the modern regathering of Jewish people a move of God?
21:24 God's promise in Ezekiel
23:03 Conclusion
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I'm going to assume everything you said is true for the sake of argument. Let's say the covenant is with the present day Jewish people; are they acting in a Gentle manner as you said they must to inherit their Land? Why is it that they desperately require the aid of the United States of America and their military capabilities to accomplish this? Why does every nation around them detest their very existence? You can say this is bigotry and religious zealousness all you want; but the reality is they harbor these resentments and that it is not born from nothing. If Jesus is the Messiah, why do present day Jewish people not believe in him? Lastly; what is the difference between the Ancient Hebrews and the present day Jewish people?

Zionism is essentially Jewish nationalism; and that's fine, a little ironic but fine. I can agree that there should be a country and place for all peoples; but how much sin is required on the part of the nations they were scattered amongst; those ones where they brought shame on his name, to maintain the peace in their homeland for them? See; the problem is the rest of the Nations keep getting tricked and duped into fighting Wars that have nothing to do with us. God gave them Israel; they don't need us.


Thank you for this very helpful contribution to clarify the many misunderstandings about the Jewish people and the land. It is so necessary to bring the truth of Scripture back to the forefront and thus overcome prejudice. Keep up the good work. God is faithful!


Thank you for this very informative post!
I am trying to learn all I can about the Jewish culture and roots of my faith in Yeshua. I have been finding greater understanding of the Scriptures and the wonderful promises of God by what I have been learning. Though I was born Gentile, I can now identify myself with the Jewish people through adoption in Yeshua, and now a co-heir of the kingdom. Thanks again for posting and blessing us with this knowledge.


Thank you Nic for breaking it down so we can better understand Zionism, our Jewish brother and sisters, and the history that makes up the lives of the Jewish people! Loving these Masrerclasses!!!


It’s amazing how you utterly forging the history. First of all there were no Old Testament for almost 2000 years after Moses. 2nd you wrote your own book and says God said it???? Very strange logic. Especially when you don’t have a single chain going back to Moses, it’s a big red flag 🚩.


Amazing! So grateful for these masterclasses!
