The LOGGERHEAD Sea Turtle | Size, Diet, Nesting

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Did you know the loggerhead sea turtle can crush its prey with a force of 500lbs?! 😳

Join sea turtle biologist, Leah, as we talk all about the loggerhead sea turtle from their size, diet and more about their nesting. Leah is permitted to conduct sea turtle activities through state and federal permits. Sea turtles are a highly protected species. The park has special permits in order to have a sea turtle skull to be able to use it for educational purposes.

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Thanks for being turtle-y awesome,
Leah & Murtle



#seaturtles #conservation #loggerhead #educational
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Tell me about your turtle experiences! Are you a turtle volunteer? Have you seen them nest before? Or is it something you have been wanting to see? Share your best turtle stories below ⬇🐢


Great job. I hope ppl see the importance of taking care of not just sea turtles but all wildlife and our planet! Thank you for your hard work.


Great video! Seeing the turtles and going on the walks you sponsor are a high point of our year! We <3 turtles!


I have been a SCDNR sea turtle volunteer for 30+ years. Our data shows that once a hatchling leaves it’s nesting beach, it frantically swims for 2-3 days to reach the Gulf Stream. There it rests, feeds and hides in the sargassum mats. The Sargasso Sea is a death trap for turtles because it is a stagnant body of water with no current. A turtle could be stuck there for years. The Gulf Stream transports turtles along the North Atlantic Gyre over 15+ years where they grow larger. They finally end up in the Caribbean where they feed and continue to grow. At about 25-30 years they are mature and head back to the general area of their hatching beach to mate and the females will then nest 4-6 times that season.


Thank you for this informative video. I am volunteering at Padre Island National Seashore for sea turtle conservation. I am researching and learning more about sea turtles. 💚🐢


I am the permit holder for Waties Island, SC. I maintain blog, may I post your youtube video?
