Python control app for X6100 Armbian

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Quick and dirty GUI app to change the frequency and operating mode of X6100 in Python
Tools used:
Visual Studio Code - excellent IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Qt Creator/Designer - GUI editor
FileZilla - file transfer
Lenovo ThinkPad X220 running Ubuntu 22.04
To Hamlib creators/developers, please create more detailed documentation. The lack of Python interface info made it very difficult to program in this otherwise excellent framework. For novice like me anyway.
Here is non-GUI part of the code I experimented and worked (without exception handling)
import Hamlib
import time
my_rig = Hamlib.Rig(Hamlib.RIG_MODEL_NETRIGCTL)
Tools used:
Visual Studio Code - excellent IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Qt Creator/Designer - GUI editor
FileZilla - file transfer
Lenovo ThinkPad X220 running Ubuntu 22.04
To Hamlib creators/developers, please create more detailed documentation. The lack of Python interface info made it very difficult to program in this otherwise excellent framework. For novice like me anyway.
Here is non-GUI part of the code I experimented and worked (without exception handling)
import Hamlib
import time
my_rig = Hamlib.Rig(Hamlib.RIG_MODEL_NETRIGCTL)
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